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Best DE handles?

At the moment I am using one that came with a cheap £3.50 boots razor. Its ok, but I would prefer another handle.

I love these: But at £45 I feel I would be paying for the name

Is there anything you can recommend?

Also, how good are 'adjustable' razors'? I have no experience with them.

Thanks in advance!

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Those look like the Edwin Jagger razors, basically a Merkur head with a different handle. I've never used one but they have positive reviews in the review section of the site. I feel like £45 is too much for that compared to the razors I've bought here in the US, perhaps some of the UK guys can give you a better line on one.
Those are great handles, if you are looking for something newish. Very comfortable.

As for older razors, the Gillette Slim Adjustable is very comfortable; if you want a thicker grip you could look at a Fatboy. The black handled Super Adjustable is another nice choice. All are excellent shavers.
For those of you who think 45 pounds for a merkur head on a new head is a bit much, it could be worse. Somene posted a link to www.eliterazor.com the other day where they have $115 US merkurs with solid wood or stone handles!
Try a Merkur Classic (HD, barberpole, classic, etc.). It's usually cheaper than that.
You could also try a vintage gillette. The adjustables are wonderful. Search around here to learn a bit more about vintage gillettes if you want one, then post a want to buy (WTB) ad in the BST.
I like vintage gillettes, but there are many razors out there to try and you don't have to pay crazy prices either.
In the OP, those appear to be rebranded Edwin Jagger Chatsworth handles in faux ivory and ebony resin handles. If they are, I have the black one branded as Edwin Jagger. It is an excellent razor, although I prefer the heavier Chatsworth Lined handle, which has a solid brass core with chrome plating. Excellent grip and balance. The latest Edwin Jagger handles are now being made with Muhle Pinsel heads, rather than Merkur. My experience is limited only to the ones with Merkur heads. However, the newer Muhle heads have received largely favorable reviews so far, and are said to be less aggressive than the Merkur heads.
Thanks all!

The eliterazors website is very good, but expensive.

I am tempted to make a handle in the style of the dr. Harris ones, i could use the cheap plastic handle on my boots razor and then drill a hole through the centre of my new wooden handle so it slips on like a sleeve.


Or i could try and get hold of the same size screw thread and attach this to the solid handle (with no hole in) then screw onto the top part of the razor which holds the blade.

I dont suppose anyone here has made a handle or knows where to get the parts which are not the handles?
Those razors in the first pic shave very well. I have one. At £45 you are paying roughly the same as you would from the manufacturer Edwin Jagger www.theenglishshavingcompany.com They have cheaper razors there too which should perform just as well.

The Boots DE I used was the first I used too. After a few weeks I splashed out on a Merkur Progress for £35. It was definitely worth the money. The weight of the Progress made the shave a lot easier as the weight did more of the work. I recently tried the cheapy one again and it was OK but I'll be sticking with my more expensive ones.
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