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Best Choice of dip pens

I'm new to calligraphy, nibs and inks and was wondering if someone could guide me as to what would be the best set to get for doing some of the wide nib calligraphy but also have something in it to allow me to write in the nice cursive manner of the 18th century ?
I would like the dip pens rather than the fountain pens

Also what inks would be the best ?

Thanks ! :biggrin1:

I actually openned a thread for dip pen stuff, as there is a few of us who play with them. I grabbed a lot of different things for under 20 bucks to play with and try out when I began, and there is some other information you need to know about nibs when you get them then just load and dip. I think the info post i made is on page two of that thread that will explain some things, but we can hunt down more information for you if needed as well
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