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Best Blades for a Gillette Adjustable

all the praise for DE shaving as well as the cost of cartridges has finally convinced me to try DE shaving again. I have not used on for probably 30 years, and threw away all but a very short handled one meant for backpacking over a decade ago.

So I found a Gillette Adjustable Slim Long Handle (black) on ebay and made the purchase. I should have it in a few days. I still have a few of the blades I liked back then (Gillette Stainless), but I'm wondering what others have found that work best with this razor.

Back then I got the closest and most comfortable shave with the adjustment set at 9, I have sensitive skin, and a moderately tough beard.

Any suggestions would be useful.
I'm sure it doesn't make a difference that its an adjustable or a Slim. I alternate between Personna Meds and Feathers. Both are high quality blades that last for 4-7 shaves. There are others...
The Adjustable is a very smooth razor and I need a sharp blade to shave with it. My favourites are Astra Superior Platinum and Feather.
I might be the odd one out, but I actually prefer Lord Super Stainless. Everyone has a different preference. There's no one 'best blade' for that specific razor, it's whatever works best for you. I would recommend buying a sampler pack, trying out the different brands and then finding the one you like. Once you've got it down to the one blade you like, order a pack of 100 (it'll be cheaper that way).

Best of luck
For what is currently available and performing well, I'd recommend Astra Superior Platinum's to anyone looking to start or get back into DE shaving. They are sharp, but not Feather sharp. They are a smooth as anything on the market and they seem to get along with most razors. Gillette Silver Blues are another blade in the same vein. The Personna Med Preps or Labs are also supposed to be nice and sharp and smooth as well, but I haven't tried them yet. They are made in the USA, which is nice.

All in all, Astra or the Gillette Silver Blues would be my recommendation. Good luck. I'm sure you'll get right back into it fine.
Back when I used a Gillette Adjustable all the time, Gillette Blues were the sharpest, sharper the Gillette Stainless, but the blues went dull quickly. Whatever edge the Gillette Stainless had held up longer.

From what has been posted so far, I may try a sample pack. I most certainly want to try Feathers. I have a few Gillette Stainless to get started.

Of course, I will want to clean and inspect the new razor before doing much with it.
Got to West Coast Shaving and get their sample pack.

This is, clearly, the best answer. Every blade is going to perform differently for everyone. Some like Feathers, others like the cheapies. It's all kind of a matter of taste. Though there are many who argue a sharper blade like a Feather in an aggressive razor (say you set that adjustable to seven or higher) is the best way to learn proper technique because you want to stop bleeding.

Get a sample pack with more than five brands if you can. Narrow it down, find what you like, PIF the rest.
all the praise for DE shaving as well as the cost of cartridges has finally convinced me to try DE shaving again. I have not used on for probably 30 years, and threw away all but a very short handled one meant for backpacking over a decade ago.

So I found a Gillette Adjustable Slim Long Handle (black) on ebay and made the purchase. I should have it in a few days. I still have a few of the blades I liked back then (Gillette Stainless), but I'm wondering what others have found that work best with this razor.

Back then I got the closest and most comfortable shave with the adjustment set at 9, I have sensitive skin, and a moderately tough beard.

Any suggestions would be useful.

Best suggestion would be to purchase a sampler pack of blades so you can try several brands and decide for yourself what you like best.

Feather is the most aggressive blade. My favorites are Medical Personna (Personna Prep Blades) and Astra Superior Platinum.
+1 to the Feather recommendations, although I would also try the Astra and maybe the Gillette if they are recommended above. I found with my Adjustable that I prefer a little sharper blades and then use a little milder setting. I will try an Astra in my adjustable and try to remember to report back!
I find the Astra SPs to be my "go to" blade. I really like it in my vintage adjustables. Gillette Silver Blues are also nice. I tried the Gillette 7 O'Clock Blacks on a recommendation and found them to be a very reliable shave in my Gillette adjustable razors...I agree that a sample pack is your best bet.
I guess I'm the only one who is baffled that Big Jim kept some DE blades, but "threw out" all the razors?!? :ohmy:
Since you're re-introducing yourself to DE shaving, go ahead and get a blade sampler from one of our reputable vendors. Try to get one with as many different brands of blades as possible that still fits the budget.

Any blade that works for you will work great in an adjustable. The Gillette adjustables (whether its a Fatboy, Slim, or Super Adjustable) were some of the best DE razors ever made, IMHO.
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