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Best black shoe polish?

I have only ever used Kiwi polish. I have used black and parade gloss. I bought these because that is what Target had. Is there some great product out there that I should check out? Something that lasts longer or shines better? I am scraping the sides of my cans now so new to get some soon. Thanks
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My local cobbler says that they are all great, even Kiwi, so feel free to either stay the course or try something new. I had Meltonian and it works pretty good. I have Allen Edmonds in-house brand because it matches their colors a little better. I usually use cream, but from what I understand, if you use wax polish, it gives a "shinier" shine.
Think I will give Lincoln a shot. Is it carried in a lot of stores? Or should I not even waste my time and just order online?
Think I will give Lincoln a shot. Is it carried in a lot of stores? Or should I not even waste my time and just order online?

almost every cobbler in calif. carries it,I think you will find it very easily in your shoe repair shops.
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Not trying to jack the thread but I wondered this too. I have some Allen Edmonds and Meltonian as well but here locally in my NC area I've never seen Lincoln. I was always under impression the polish depends on the shoe type for instance a softer more suple leather use a cream and use a wax on a harder shoe leather.
I have always favoured the notion that the shine comes from the leather, not the wax. I use as little polish as I can get away with- the last time I applied polish to my shoes was at least 6 months ago, maybe more. They look good and very natural as they still get brushed before use every weekday. But they look like 'really good shoes' not 'really well-polished shoes'. It's the same philosophy as great haircutting. I've only once went to a real salon and when I left I didn't look ike I'd just got a haircut, I looked like I had really good hair.
I've learned that if I want to have really shiny shoes I should use KIWI. Heat it up a bit and put a nice layer on the shoes. Let them rest over the night and in the morning you start to brush them up. Your girlfriend might get upset when you steal her nylonstockings. But a good rubbing with those will get your shoes shiny.
But it all start when you buy them. I spend min one weeks to prepare them by brushing in a few layers of KIWI. not wearing them.
I have always stuck with Kiwi Parade Gloss. It is inexpensive and available everywhere in this area and it gives a very good shine.
I am another vote for Allen Edmonds products. I have used them for years after I could no longer find Properts boot cream and saddle soap. I find that I get very good protection and a great lasting shine from the AE products.


Lincoln is the best for a spit shine. better than kiwi. but I'd use it for a brush shine as well. I also subscribe to the it depends on the style of leather for what kind of shine you have. a spit shine on patent leather is simply a smoother, more reflective surface bouncing more shine off than a cobbled leather. never used any Alan Edwards but I do have a pair of shoes.

I've used a Danner paste/cream, but fell back on the old can, because I was looking for a higher gloss on my Danner boots. so there's that.
Lincoln, no contest. Kiwi will do if you must, but I always keep Lincoln around and start looking for it again when my current can is half empty.
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