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Benjamins West Indian Bay Rum

Just ordered a couple of bottles of Benjamins West Indian Bay Rum. One in regular the other in menthol. I did a site search but couldnt find out a lot. Anyone here have experience of this brand? For the money delivered I though I'd take a chance. Both are 250ml, to my door all in £5.38. I was after a nice scent but not too long lasting as I enjoy Bay Rum after a shave not as a scent through out the day as it doesnt wear well in my work environment.

Thanks in advance.
Yes...I have both...very nice,but not up to the quality of Superior 70....scent fades in a few minutes,still a nice aftershave ,reg or menthol.
Cheers malocchio, thats what I was after a nice scent straight after the shave but none lasting. Just to carry that 'zing' feeling of a great shave, from the den, into the car on the school run, back home and then the AS for the day. Anyone know anything about Bay rum with pimento? while I'm here.
Cheers malocchio, thats what I was after a nice scent straight after the shave but none lasting. Just to carry that 'zing' feeling of a great shave, from the den, into the car on the school run, back home and then the AS for the day. Anyone know anything about Bay rum with pimento? while I'm here.

Pimenta Racemosa is the botanical name for bay leaf,pimento is a pepper,not used in any bay rum or aftershave I know of.
Your right there, my poor spelling got the better of me, it should be Pimenta not pimento. I was reading up on Bay rum thats one I came across. I guess some are made from naturel stuff and others are man made on the whole.
Well the Bay Rum arrived this morning and guess what, it's definatley pimento, here's a link to the manufatures site.


All I can say is if you want a nice refreshing bay rum thats lasts may be 45mins then Banjamins is the one. The Menthol, has a good kick to it and the pimento has a reall nice dark bay rum scent. As I say they last around 45 mins so good for carrying on the just shave feeling.


my brain goes "thonk"
I have a bottle of the bay leaf oil. On label it has the company name Amrita, Pure Theraputic Essential Oil, Bay leaf, St. Thomas Pimenta racemosa.
You shavers in the S.F. bay area can get the reg. Benjamins for $2.99 and menthol version for $2.59 at Specialty Foods market 535 -- 8th street ,downtown Oakland ,ca...lots of other goodies in there as well,including great talcums,carbolic soaps,and occasionally Jamaican Country Store bay rum...
For the money you cant go wrong, straight after the shave, whack on some menthol bay rum, for around 45 mins af a great fesh feeling it's all gone. Then just put on your regular poison and off into the day we go. Nice.
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