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Beginner - Best Bang for Buck

I'm curious what everyone thinks is the best value brush for beginners. I have heard people say the 35 dollar EJ or comparable Vulfix. I have also heard that the cheap Tweezerman or a cheap bore brush is as good as gold.

I want to spend as little as possible, but spend enough that I'll be able to use it for a long time and not need to upgrade for replacement or an increase in performance.

What are your thoughts?

PS- If anyone has a gently used brush in the lower price range let me know!
The answer to your question will depend upon how you intend to use the brush (i.e., soaps, creams, face-lather, bowl lather). There is no one "best" brush for all things. There is a sticky at the top of this thread to help you in formulating a post which will get you more useful responses.

Good luck!
I did read that, but I have no experience so many of the questions don't pertain to me. I don't know if I face lather or bowl, don't know what kind of cream/soap I'll use, don't have any brushes currently etc.
I'm curious what everyone thinks is the best value brush for beginners. I have heard people say the 35 dollar EJ or comparable Vulfix. I have also heard that the cheap Tweezerman or a cheap bore brush is as good as gold.

I want to spend as little as possible, but spend enough that I'll be able to use it for a long time and not need to upgrade for replacement or an increase in performance.

What are your thoughts?

PS- If anyone has a gently used brush in the lower price range let me know!

I'm very fond of my Burma-Shave brush.
If you live near a Meijer store, many have it for about $5.

I have not tried one, but West Coast Shaving offers an Omega boar brush for $9 + shipping that I'd jump on if I didn't already have a brush that I liked. Looks like this:


It is *very* easy to get heavily invested in a brush but I'm convinced that you can get great enjoyment from these very basic choices.

- Chris
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I'm quite fond on my Edwin Jagger boar brush, and I just bought another boar brush from Saint Charles Shave made by Omega that cost me all of 8 dollars. The Ej is really "scrubby." The Omega is more dense and softer. I actually don't think that I'd like a brush any softer than this, but to each his own. Both provide adequate lather. Honestly, I think you could easily get along with just a boar hair brush without ever needing another (wanting another is a different prospect all together :tongue:). People have done it before.
Boar brush folks have also seemed to take a liking to these>http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=109236&highlight=jaguar


B&B membership has its percs
The answer to your question will depend upon how you intend to use the brush (i.e., soaps, creams, face-lather, bowl lather). There is no one "best" brush for all things. There is a sticky at the top of this thread to help you in formulating a post which will get you more useful responses.

Good luck!

+1, but the OP sounds like he presently has nary a bristle, boar or badger, so maybe won't know how to even start. If that is the case, the sticky quoted with give a start, bearing in mind that tastes will change as you progress. That said, a good starter would be either an Omega Boar brush for under $20, or there are Rooneys in Best available at about $40 .. Vintage Blades sells a Best Badger in either Pearlex or Tortoise http://www.vintagebladesllc.com/vshop/xcart/product.php?productid=945&cat=0&page=3. Or, and this would be advice in hindsight at better than 20/20, would be to watch the BST for a Rooney Small in Super which used should go for $50- 55, Good luck!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
If I would need to restart with a new brush and I'm brand new. I would go with a Omega Bristle/boar. $10 well spent!
The green handled Van der Hagen boar brush is a great starter brush widely available at Wal-Mart, CVS, Walgreens ect. Give the brush a cleaning with shampoo before you use and rinse it out. I would recommend Williams Mug Shaving Soap to start. Its cheap and (given the right prep. soaking it in warm water prior to your shower in the am) will give a great lather. Williams will make this brush soft after a couple of weeks of use. I have also heard good things about Kiss My Face but I can't vouch for it but it seems pretty available at a reasonable price as well. Also I would keep a little olive oil on hand to lube up your beard. The basic Merkur "1904" is available under $30 bucks and is a good DE introduction. DE blades found at Family Dollar are cheap and decent, if you warm them in water for a minute before you shave.
In conclusion, read and re-read this web site, there are deals constantly being tossed around and great advice which can save you some unfortunate situations.
Semogues seem to get great reviews as far as boar goes. Check out vintagescent.com
As far as badger, I think a Rooney 3/1 if you want a slightly less stiff brush or a Rooney 1/1 if you want a nice stiff brush. Both are very soft at the tips though, because I'm recommending them in "Super" (also called "Super Silvertip"). 75 dollars is a little on the high side, but most people find that at some point they want to try silvertip, so why pay 40 for a pure, only to upgrade later? If you're sure you're not one of those people though, get a pure. Once I got a silvertip, I completely stopped using my pure badger brush
I went for the Vulfix #2197 for $35 at classicshaving.com. have nothing to compare it to as it's still my only brush but seems to do the job.
It is hard to recommend a $35-40 brush when you think it money better spent to go to about $75. (Here we are talking Badger.)

Therefore I agree with the recommendations for the less expensive boar brushes. The thing is, they are *much* nicer than you would expect if you are conditioned by the prices of badger brushes.

Personally, I like my $75 Rooney 1/1 and like it better than my Omega Pro 49 boar (pictured as a group of three in an earlier post) but the Omega is pretty nice and only costs $9 + shipping. As a matter of fact I like boars enough to have another one on order -- a Semogue. Supposedly it's a step up from the Omaga I already have, but time will tell. At boar prices I am much more comfortable taking a chance.

So save a few bucks and get a boar. Once you have a feel for what you are up to then it is almost a certainty that you will want to try another brush no matter *what* you get at first. You can revisit your price point at that time.
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I did read that, but I have no experience so many of the questions don't pertain to me. I don't know if I face lather or bowl, don't know what kind of cream/soap I'll use, don't have any brushes currently etc.

Understood. There is already alot of good advice here, no need for me to confuse matters further.

In respect to life cycle costs, I think I will find the cheapest brush possible until I have enough together to buy a nice one. Anyone have a cheap boar they want to sell?
I have not tried one, but West Coast Shaving offers an Omega boar brush for $9 + shipping that I'd jump on if I didn't already have a brush that I liked. Looks like this:


I have the red one. It is a fantastic cheap brush. The only downside is that it stunk like CRAZY when I received it. I had to shampoo it multiple times before I could bring myself to use it.

Now that the stink is long gone and the brush is fairly broken in I love it. Best $9 in shaving equipment that I ever spent. Oh, and the logo on the brush is just a sticker. You might as well scrape that off right away if you decide to buy one.
In respect to life cycle costs, I think I will find the cheapest brush possible until I have enough together to buy a nice one. Anyone have a cheap boar they want to sell?

Well, you are down into the price range where shipping is a big part of the cost! Might as well get something new -- like the Omega Pro 49 from West Coast Shaving.
Giving another reccomendation for the Omega Pro #49. I have on in Red, and also have a really nice Badger brush. Both brushes receive equal shave time, and I would be totally happy just using the Omega Boar.

It's a whole lot of goodness for only $9 + shipping. :w00t::w00t:
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