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Beer and Knife party

There is a Japanese Knife store in town that sells only hand forged knives, tonight my wife has gotten us an invite to a beer and knife party at the store. The big deal is that they store has brought in one of the blacksmiths who makes knives that they carry (and has been making knives for 51 years) and another gentleman they say is the top knife sharpener in Hiroshima. After stepping away from the group buy due to money I fear that I may be in for a night of thinking, "hey I do have a credit card" :lol: oh well, just thought the knife guys would get a kick out of such an event.

EDIT: the store is http://www.knifewear.com/
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OK, I've indulged in fountain pens, guns, pocket knives, de razors, straight razors and thought I was satisfied. Now come Japanese knives. I gotta get another job!

Yep, that's it.

SWMBO and I have signed up for a knife sharpening class. Also tried out a bunch of knives, they have tomatoes and potatoes on hand for you to test some out. She picked out a petty she wants and I fell in love with a nakiri, probably pick them up after the class as our Christmas gifts.
Yep, that's it.

SWMBO and I have signed up for a knife sharpening class. Also tried out a bunch of knives, they have tomatoes and potatoes on hand for you to test some out. She picked out a petty she wants and I fell in love with a nakiri, probably pick them up after the class as our Christmas gifts.

What is the shop like? I have seen the pictures on their site, but usually they do not do justice to the establishment. I am hoping to get there my next time in.

By the way, how is their selection of sharpening supplies in store? :laugh:
What is the shop like? I have seen the pictures on their site, but usually they do not do justice to the establishment. I am hoping to get there my next time in.

By the way, how is their selection of sharpening supplies in store? :laugh:

They have about three times the knives in store than they do on the site. Every knife they carry is on display. They also have an assortment of knives for you to try out. They also have many, many sharpening stones in store as well as stone holders. Seems like anything you need they carry. Also the staff and owner are all friendly helpful and all around great guys. They also told me the owner is thinking of starting to carry straight razors in the future. I really liked getting to hold one and try it out, something awe inspiring about a knife that goes through veg like it's not even there.
I know that if I was anywhere near that store I'd be there in a split second. Kevin has been really working hard to build up his store and had grown incredibly in just a few years. I'm sure that he deserves all the good things that he's seeing coming his way. :001_smile
I know that if I was anywhere near that store I'd be there in a split second. Kevin has been really working hard to build up his store and had grown incredibly in just a few years. I'm sure that he deserves all the good things that he's seeing coming his way. :001_smile

Oh yes, we spoke with him a number of times over the evening and he is a great guy, it makes me feel a little bit better about all the money I'm going to be giving him over the next few years. He also told us that the first thing a knife maker from Japan wants is roast chicken, then the next day... poached eggs, he had never had a poached egg in his life and wanted to try one. Kevin told us he thought he could manage it. :biggrin1:
Wow! The gallery is pretty awesome, so much my wife thought I was looking at porn because I wasn't blinking.
I guess I missed that because I was at the "Hard Liquor and Handguns" party at the gun shop on the other side of town. :lol::lol::lol:
Do you recall who the maker was that he had visiting?

Hiroshi Kato san

here are some of his knives


A very nice,quiet man. When asked what his favorite knife was he laughed a bit and said that he loved them all.
Seems like AS steel cored from the website. Did you score any?

Nope, we've signed up for a knife sharpening class in November and will pick up some other knives that aren't shown on the website then. There are about 3-4 times the knives in store than are on the site. I'll post picks in the acquisitions thread when we get some... and then again we we get more :laugh:
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