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Been a while since visiting, and been very busy.

Haven't been around much since December or so - been very busy making pens. :)

Here's a small sample.

$01219.jpg $happy-meal-3.jpg $twins-2.jpg $00236.jpg $00638.jpg

I'm making pens to be given to deserving high school students, and not just at the school I teach at. Any teacher from any school can recommend a student who has shined above the rest, worked hard to raise their grades, or who has stayed in school and continued to work hard despite extreme hardships (I had one student who lost her father in a house fire and still focused and worked hard). Any student who just plain deserves a little token that says 'good job'. Along with the pen will be given a bottle of ink - blue or black. Noodler's of course. :)
Thought I'd put that out there in case anybody here is a teacher or knows a teacher and could recommend some kids come the new school year. Believe it or not, I'm having a real time giving these away. :)
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Welcome back, Shawn. I have been following you on FPN on your pen-making journey. You have really become quite adept at turning some lovely pens. The Lemon Meringue pen, the Denim pens, among many others are all wonderfully crafted. You have a nice eye for lines and proportions.
Thanks! It's a lot of fun. I've got one on the lathe right now for a student - a very skinny black with gold nib and clip. Filled a tiny air bubble with some epoxy and it should be ready to clean up by now.
WOW! Those pens look very nice! I am not on FPN much (except the classifieds :scared:) but I did read something about what you were doing. The world needs more teachers that care like you do! My wife is a teacher, and she tells me the tails of some teachers that hide behind their seniority, and barely teach at all. It is a shame!
Beautiful pens, and a great thing you are doing!
WOW! Those pens look very nice! I am not on FPN much (except the classifieds :scared:) but I did read something about what you were doing. The world needs more teachers that care like you do! My wife is a teacher, and she tells me the tails of some teachers that hide behind their seniority, and barely teach at all. It is a shame!
Beautiful pens, and a great thing you are doing!

What?? Teachers get seniority? I thought we just became senior citizens! :biggrin1:
Thanks - maybe your wife knows some good kids?
Awesome - just know that I will require (hope for) a hand written thank you note to be able to send along to the, for lack of a better word, patron(2).

That is fantastic. I like that it is not simply achievement based, you reward kids who persist and prevail against the odds. Unfortunately, our kids are grown and married, so we're no longer exposed to the "high school set", and most of the teachers we know have retired. It would sure be nice to help a child realize that their efforts are noticed. To recognize them with a very nice FP is is especially meaningful.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, I really like your work. :)
Class act, watch_art. I'm not a teacher, and can't readily call to mind any friends who are high school teachers (some elementary teachers come to mind) but should I encounter such a student, I'll keep this in mind. Good form.
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