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Beard softens after two days?

I have noticed that my beard softens considerably after 2 days. If I try to shave off a one day old beard - I can do it - but it is considerably more difficult. It requires tremendous patience, and plenty of prep, and it's still not going to be a good shave. SAS at best. If I let it go to the second day, or ideally the third - I can feel my whiskers have softened. Even though I've got considerable scruff by then - I can just mow right through it, and I have a closer shave after my first pass WTG, then I get out of a full three WTG, XTG, ATG from a one day shave. I believe there is a natural oil that I can actually feel is missing until day two - like my face is a desert, and this is the contributing factor to effortless BBS day 2&3 shaves, while SAS is a struggle on day 1. My question: Has anyone else experienced this, and have you found a product that helps? I've tried AoS pre shave oil. It helps...a little... But not enough to pull off an effortless shave, and certainly doesn't justify the cost. Suggestions? Try another brand? Or are they pretty much all the same thing? I think I've seen some gels out there - any fundamental differences worth investigating? I'm looking for something I can rub into my face, let it sit for 5 min max, and get to shaving.
Are you using a moisturizer after your shave? You mention your face feels dry, like it's missing oil after you shave.

My current hypothesis is that you are washing and exfoliating away natural oils and moisture when you shave, so your beard is drying out all day. Once the cuticle (scaly outermost layer of hair shaft) is too dry, it will close completely and will refuse to absorb water and will be difficult to cut. Meaning that you have to cut through this petrified beard the next day. When you wait another day, the blade is actually cutting new soft growth that has natural oils and moisture.

Make sure that you aren't using a harsh soap/cream that is stripping oils, put on a good moisturizer after shaving and maybe another time later in the day. Next day, take a shower and lather up and shave.

If that doesn't get you a better shave, we can try some more options.:biggrin1:
The theory put forth by weizemanner sounds very plausible. For me, also, the ends of the beard hairs tend to become less scritchy from wear after a few days, at least when I grow a beard.
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