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What is this stuff? It seems new, rich in ingredients, and difficult to acquire. In short, it's a shave geek's dream. There is aftershave also.
I've seen this as well and am very intrigued. I'd love to hear if anyone has used it or has any info on it.
Well, it's a new productline which is made here in Belgium. It started with the aftershave and recently they've added a shaving cream.
The man who started it all has very sensitive skin, up to the point he could hardly use any shaving related product. Because he couldn't find any suitable product, he finally decided to develop his own product. That was when baume.be ASB was born.
Needless to say this line is designed for guys with sensitive skin.

I can buy the products locally in a shavegear shop. Maybe I might be able to help out, I don't know what the online prices are.
I've received and tried a sample of aftershave balm from him.

It's a very rich and moisturising, creamy aftershave balm, with a neutral pleasant scent.

It didn't work very well in calming razorburn or soothing irritation for me.

All in all a good balm if you've had a good shave, on a bad day I'd use something else.
I've tried a sample as well and although it's designed for sensitive skin and fighting razor burn I didn't find it particularly soothing.
The scent was nice and classic though.
All in all a fair product, certainly if you look at the price.
I live in Belgium and I know the product since it is produced here.

Both the shaving cream and the aftershave balm are suitable for persons with a sensitive skin, as the guy who has developed it in the first place has an extremely sensitive skin himself.

The shaving cream works very well for me and has a complex but soft subtle scent.

The real topper for me is the aftershave balm though. I've used quite a lot of balms and gels, but this is without a shadow of a doubt the best balm I've ever used. Everything about is is just perfect imo. The only other one I still use from time to time is the Esbjerg "Verbena" aftershave milk.
I sincerely think that everyone should try it, and buy it after that.

If you like balms, this one is a superb one. The smell is amazing and light, the feeling is better than all other I have tried. My skill felt velvet like, with no grease at all. I could feel it working the whole day, through the night.

The list of ingredients is immense, but all of them are natural oils and components.

Again, for your own sake, go try it!
It didn't work very well in calming razorburn or soothing irritation for me.

All in all a good balm if you've had a good shave, on a bad day I'd use something else.

I hear what you say, but I don't get that. At all. If it does one thing does right, it IS soothing razor burn. For me at least, and for a couple of friends I gave this to as a present.

As one of the fellows above said, it was specifically developed & tested with that purpose in mind.

Let's say it like this, I don't see what would help you soothing razor burn, if this one can't.
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