Does anyone have both types of baton handles (open and closed ended)? Is there a difference in weight? Do we know if they were made consecutively or concurrently?
I've got a couple Gem 1912's with hollow handles and these two Treet's with the solid handle. I'm sure there's a little bit of difference in weight, but I can't really feel it just holding them. I have no idea what the timeline on the baton handles were, but they are kind of cool.
Tom, I have a black one with a Gem Junior head I just aquired (my Grandpa's and the only razor I will ever receive as a hand-me-down) that looks like those in your pic. But I am referring to this open ended one (no, I do not own it)? Have you seen this before?
Yes, I have a couple just like that one, and like I said I can't really feel any difference in weight between the hollow handle and the solid ones. Most of the Gem's came with the hollow handle, but I have seen a few with a solid handle, I just don't own any. Just the two Treet's.
Ah ok. I misunderstood. I thought you just owned the two in your picture. I should have known those were just the two that happened to be in your pocket when you answered my post. Thanks Tom.