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What the......

Did basenotes change their site? I cant find the old list of frags with the rating number in order or the check boxes on the side for the brand etc. I want it back!
I think it is basenotes.net. That site always has issues. I read a few scent blogs that have some pretty negative feedback about it. Premium membership to get reviews up quickly. Constant down time issues. Quite a lot of stuff actually. I find the site clumsy to navigate and as your experience shows there is always issues.

Cheers, Todd
It's presently requiring me to log in before I can change the password that I can't remember. . . yeah. :cursing:
It is basenotes.net and I tried to register but it is down, I think you are correct and the site seems to have issues a lot
I think there were two servers one for the .com stuff and one for the forums..
Only the forum side is working half fast right now..
They need to invest in some backup software IMHO
They switched to a new platform last spring and last week they switched back to the old platform. I was just getting used to the new one and had all my SOTD's logged into the system. When they switched back last week, all the personal frag wardrobe information reverted back to what it was when they switched to the new platform back in the spring. I don't know if they will get the SOTD information from the summer updated.... as well as the additions to my wardrobe since then. At this point, I don't care too much. I continue to log in my SOTD every morning, but I don't use the site for much else. I'll get back into that site when they get their s*&t together again...... pardon my French, Madamoiselle Chanel.

They are having quite a few problems right now. There is missing data, missing user accounts, and whatnot. I think they have a post about it. It came about from a transfer to a new page and now they are migrating everything back.
Wow, did they ever lose data!

All the forum posts since May were lost including the fragrances I had listed for sale a couple months back and the updates I had made to listing as they were sold, all my mail is gone both my inbox and outbox, my wardrobe is gone, basically EVERYTHING of mine is GONE.

Hopefully I have a copy of my original post with the custom formatting I had done on a backup disk somewhere. I am certain that I don't have a backup of what was sold so I will need to do an inventory to see what was sold. I may be able to sort through my PayPal history and see what was sold and reconstruct an accurate listing.
I sold a handful of items over the last couple months, and built up to 5 or 6 feedback.

Totally gone. They say everything will be restored eventually. It wouldn't surprise me one iota if that never happens.
I sold a handful of items over the last couple months, and built up to 5 or 6 feedback.

Totally gone. They say everything will be restored eventually. It wouldn't surprise me one iota if that never happens.
I'm in the same boat. I actually built up a considerable amount of feedback and reviews posted since May (after I had take a very long hiatus). I'm probably done with them if they can't recover it. Oh well, I found the community there to increasingly be on the downhill.
Great for finding stuff to sniff, but the same arguments and in-club don't lend themselves to me visiting often, anymore.
Try using Google Advanced Search into their domain exclusively. It seems to be the best way to search for stuff, but its not clean.
Wow, the old platform is back!

I'm sorry for anyone who has lost anything they had on the new platform, but I hated it and I'm pleased to see the old one back - the new platform needed lots more clicks and masses of scrolling to navigate around anywhere, and the list-based wardrobe was horribly clunky. I basically gave up on it and would never have looked again had I not seen this thread.

Now I guess we're back to a much better site interface, but the old technical unreliability - on the whole, I'm happier that way!
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