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Barbour Jacket re-proofing

Hi B&B,

I have a waxed cotton jacket...very similar to a Barbour jacket, but from J-Crew. I decided to re-wax it in preparation for the fall, and used a tin of Barbour Thornproof wax. I followed the directions carefully.

3 days later, however, the jacket still feels very waxy and greasy to the touch. When I touch it, in fact, my hand comes away with wax on it, and I end up having to wash my hands.

Has anyone else had this problem when re-waxing a jacket? Suggestions?


stick it in the dryer with a few towels for 20 minutes on low/air dry. This should soak up the excess was.

you will have to rewash the towels in hot water,
and I have never done this, just thinking outside the box.
I tried using a hair dryer, and wiping away excess with a cloth, but didn't seem to help. How long should I use the hair dryer for? Maybe I didn't do it long enough.
the wax is pretty quickly absorbed when using a dryer. the jacket may also "bleed" some of the wax after the treatment - maybe that's what you're experiencing? if you're going to try the dryer again, dry until the waxier areas appear to become absorbed. it shouldn't take long.
Thanks for the tip, Rush. I just gave it another go with the hairdryer. It's cooling off on the hanger right now. I'll let you know how it looks in a bit.
A lot of people suggest hanging the jacket up outside on a hot day (which you may or may not have access to at this point in the year) with newspaper or similar under it. That gets the jacket nice and warm, all of the wax gets absorbed, and excess drips off the bottom. The last jacket I did was super-dry, so I had no problems with over-waxing, an entire tin just barely got it back to where it should be.
The blowdryer seemed to help a bit. I may try another round with the blowdryer tomorrow. I fear the weather has cooled down too much to try hanging outside in the sun. Fingers crossed for another round of blowdrying!
You can always go over it with a towel and wipe up any wax that you did not get absorbed. Best practice is doing this on a blazing hot august day outside.

FWIW the Jcrew may have come from the factory with some other product like silicone in it that is working against you-
Thank you all for the tips. The hairdryer seemed to really help. There is still a bit of residual wax coming off of it, but as long as I don't sit on any expensive furniture, I think the jacket is safe to wear. Once it braves a couple good east coast storms, I'm sure any remaining stickiness will be gone for good!

Thanks for the help!

My friend
Dont worry have couple myself
I hsve done mine for many years
I do mine every 2 years on the deck when it is 80 and above
Takes a 6 pack of time. So 10 minutes
It is best to do this with your fingers and hands so get in well
Again this will not harm coat wikk wear off with time
Doing it in the summer gets it deep into the coat

Nice day
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