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Barber Shop Indianapolis IN


Today I was in Indianapolis IN and spotted a barber shop that does straight shaves and has some products for sale. I did not have time to get a shave (anyway I had shaved a couple of hours before) nor to get a haircut. But the next time I am over I do plan on trying a straight shave and perhaps a haircut.

It was right downtown and was set up very nice, old barber chairs, and they had a number of straights, DE (Merkur) and some lotions, some hand made brushes (not sure who made them) and some odds and ends that I don't normally see out for sale.

They do have a web site http://www.redsclassicbarbershop.com/index.html if you are going to be in downtown Indianapolis it might be worth a stop. I do plan on giving it a try next time I am there. If anyone gets there before me I would be interested in hearing their thoughts.
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