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Bar Soap Use Analysis

I thought some of you might find this interesting. Since I had a spreadsheet set up for shaving, I decided to track bar soap use one day when I was wondering how long these bar soaps last.

The spreadsheet below tracks the soaps I've used since 7/1/2012. I've deleted one line of a soap I tossed because I didn't care for the scent, leaving a slight gap. I generally used the soaps every day with a wash cloth. It's not completely rigorous because I didn't subtract any days when I missed a shower or was gone for a weekend, but I did delete some days from longer vacations.

From the data, the most expensive soaps to use were the L'Occitane soaps at 18¢/day, which were nine times the cost of the cheapest, Yardley, at 2¢/day.

Good FortuneTea Tree & Peppermint4.48/8/20129/26/2012493611.14
KMFOlive & Lavender810/5/201212/19/201275349.38
L'OccitaneVetiver Wood5.212/20/20122/20/201356101810.77
YardleyAloe & Cucumber4.252/21/20134/4/201342129.88
YardleyPomegranate Rose4.258/18/201310/10/2013531212.47

Good Fortune is a soap I found in a clearance bin at a toy store of all places. it was sold as a soap for the body, hair and shaving, but it was pretty poor for shaving.

Alchimia was one of the big bars sold at T.J. Maxx. I believe it's made in Portugal. Great soap!
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Thanks. I really enjoy these scientific posts. Just read one the other day on Old Spice formulas compared.

Now. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? That is my question.

I should also mention that I don't use every last bit of soap. When the bar gets so small that it's a PIA to use, I toss it. Life's too short to mess with pressing soap shards together.
I should also mention that I don't use every last bit of soap. When the bar gets so small that it's a PIA to use, I toss it. Life's too short to mess with pressing soap shards together.

122 days really caught my eye. My Kirk's Castile melts in my hands.
Yes, it's interesting. I am certainly no expert on bar soaps or soaps in general, but I surmise that L'Occitane Verbena probably doesn't contain any tallow (or very little), and I am guessing the same holds true for the Alchimia Fiori.
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Needs milk and a bidet!
I thought bar soap would last a long longer than 40-50 days. I feel like my body wash lasts at least 2-3 months.

You deserve an award for discipline, patience, and persistence for spending 15 months on this. I could never manage. There's 4 bars of soap and 4 liquid cleansers in my bath (not counting hair, just face and body) and I'm missing one or two that want replacing.
Here's an update:

Good FortuneTea Tree & Peppermint4.48/8/20129/26/2012493611.14
KMFOlive & Aloe49/27/201210/4/2012tossed3--
KMFOlive & Lavender810/5/201212/19/201275349.38
L'OccitaneVetiver Wood5.212/20/20122/20/201356101810.77
YardleyAloe & Cucumber4.252/21/20134/4/201342129.88
YardleyPomegranate Rose4.258/18/201310/10/2013531212.47
KMFOlive & Aloe810/11/20131/9/2014803410.00
Bubbles by BrookBay Rum4.21/10/20142/5/2014264156.19
1001 sief soap1.52/6/20142/27/2014180n/a12.00
YardleyCocoa Butter4.252/28/20144/13/2014441210.35
Dalan D'menBlue Ocean4.44/14/20144/15/2014tossed1--
Ogallala Bay RumBay Rum, Sage & Cedar4.54/16/20144/22/2014tossed7--

The Dalan D'men was tossed because of the smell. Not unlike the stink of a Turkish #6 brush, though not as severe. The Ogallala I just tossed today. I really enjoyed the scent, but the EO's were just to much for me, causing stinging on my face and lips.

Bubble by Brook is a local soap.

1001 sief soap was a small sample that was included when I bought a limited edition Valobra Lavanda shaving soap.

Next up...a small bar of Mysore Sandal Soap.
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