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Baklava: An Uninformative and Pointless Review

Baklava: First Test
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Well my package finally came in the mail, waiting is the hardest part of any online purchase PIF, a white box on the front stairs that the postman left for little old me was sitting there awaiting my return to give me its inner goodness, oh and what goodness it was

I Unboxed it with all the excitement of a kid at christmas, or me at christmas, or me unbo,.... anyway there is was beautifully packaged in some kind of clear barrier or forcefield of some kind, after taking some scissors to it i was immediately greeted to a sweet smell of holy mother of mine this is awesomeness.

First for prep i decided to forget my lunch at home today and have nothing to eat so i am really really hungry at the moment
I took myself a square which i split into two, as i thought this best to do in two passes with a cleanup, after my first couple of bites i did notice some minor flake loss, but nothing that would effect the shave, and this was already well beyond user grade to begin with

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I Carried onto my second pass after re wetting my mouth with a sip or two of tea but instead of adding glycerin, i decided on a little bit of milk and some sugar, the uber pair was a good choice. After finishing the second pass i took it upon myself to do a little polishing

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As you can see it could still use some work, but after two passes and cleanup i thought it best to stop here on the first test before i gave my stomach some irritation !
If your interested in trying some for yourself, just join the botoc thread, post about 1500 posts only a quarter of which is relevant, be nice to everyone specially Mooshi Kin, then when she brings up that she makes good baklava, mention you have never had any before, but only on nights she is feeling exuberant and energetic and there is almost half a 50/50's chance you may be offered some, Easy as that ! and well worth it too, she should charge double that !

Final Thoughts:

Well i had never had baklava before, and when BOTOC member Mooshi Kin aka April the best dang baklava maker in the world who is the bestest ever person ever, offered to send me some out, well to tell the truth, kinda thought she was kidding, but she wasnt and i got food

Man this stuff is sweet, I brought some to share with a friend the other day they almost didnt want some as the last couple of times they had it it was too sweet, but she enjoyed what i gave her,.. then claimed a few pieces more for later,.. kind of mean really, anyway, it is sweet but after a few bites your okay, if you tried to eat a whole plate of this stuff man i bet you would hate yourself very quickly lmao but it would be fun for me to watch you do it !

Thanks a tonne Mooshi, This was an amazing surprise and well worth the weight, the gain i mean, as im pretty sure this is going straight to my hips, but the wait wasnt bad either as i now have a nice treat for tea time for at least a few days

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btw i have no lather pics, as im out of whipped cream

excellent review my good friend from across the pond! I am so glad you have enjoyed my little gift! Love the pictures as well!!!
i ate one to many pieces now,... it may be a minute or two before im back to enjoying it again lmao
excellent review my good friend from across the pond! I am so glad you have enjoyed my little gift! Love the pictures as well!!!

Oh wait i almost forgot,... man ive been holding onto this one since you said you were going to send it

<clears throat>

Well Mooshi, this treat is almost as sweet as you !

Taadaaa, <takes Bow>, ya thats the ticket !
You're a lucky person. I knew as soon as I saw that picture that you were getting something good. Best of luck making that last a few days. :biggrin1:


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
Great review!

I do take exception with the title though. You may be uninformative :innocent: ....... but there is nothing pointless about baklava. :drool:
Great review!

I do take exception with the title though. You may be uninformative :innocent: ....... but there is nothing pointless about baklava. :drool:

when you break it into triangles, each piece has 6 points, so i guess there is much point to baklava indeed one of the more pointed foods in fact


Fridays are Fishtastic!
You are crazy, James :001_smile. Someone brought baklava to work, but I was afraid to try it. I haven't had it since I got my upper plate, so I didn't know how much problem I would have with sticking. I will try it at home first.
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