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Baker's Dozen-Corrupt a Title-Books Edition

First Tuesday in November is right around the corner...elect a book to this list:

1. The Gallows Poll - Benjamin Myers
2. The Ballotproof Diet ... Dave Asprey
3. Candide-ate - Voltaire
4. A Congressary Of Dunces - Toole
5. The Voter Games - Suzanne Collins
6. Three Men And A Vote ... Jerome K. Jerome
7. Webster's New World Electoral College Dictionary
8. The Hunt for Blue November
9. All Der President's Aldermen ... Bernstein & Woodward
10. Republican - Plato


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
First Tuesday in November is right around the corner...elect a book to this list:

1. The Gallows Poll - Benjamin Myers
2. The Ballotproof Diet ... Dave Asprey
3. Candide-ate - Voltaire
4. A Congressary Of Dunces - Toole
5. The Voter Games - Suzanne Collins
6. Three Men And A Vote ... Jerome K. Jerome
7. Webster's New World Electoral College Dictionary
8. The Hunt for Blue November
9. All Der President's Aldermen ... Bernstein & Woodward
10. Republican - Plato
11. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Trump Galaxy ... Douglas "John" Adams

("Don't Panic!")
First Tuesday in November is right around the corner...elect a book to this list:

1. The Gallows Poll - Benjamin Myers
2. The Ballotproof Diet ... Dave Asprey
3. Candide-ate - Voltaire
4. A Congressary Of Dunces - Toole
5. The Voter Games - Suzanne Collins
6. Three Men And A Vote ... Jerome K. Jerome
7. Webster's New World Electoral College Dictionary
8. The Hunt for Blue November
9. All Der President's Aldermen ... Bernstein & Woodward
10. Republican - Plato
11. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Trump Galaxy ... Douglas "John" Adams
12. The Postman Always Votes Twice - James M. Cain


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
13. The Return of the Polls ... Thos. Hardy

Next ... make a book more colourful ...

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
Next ... make a book more colourful ...

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
2. Dark-yella - Bram St-ochre
3. Pantone Nineteen Eighty-Four C - Georange Orwell

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
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Next ... make a book more colourful ...

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
2. Dark-yella - Bram St-ochre
3. Pantone Nineteen Eighty-Four C - Georange Orwell
4. Alias Grays - Margared Atwoad


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Next ... make a book more colourful ...

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
2. Dark-yella - Bram St-ochre
3. Pantone Nineteen Eighty-Four C - Georange Orwell
4. Alias Grays - Margared Atwoad
5. Umber Western Eyes ... Joseph Conrad
Next ... make a book more colourful ...

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
2. Dark-yella - Bram St-ochre
3. Pantone Nineteen Eighty-Four C - Georange Orwell
4. Alias Grays - Margared Atwoad
5. Umber Western Eyes ... Joseph Conrad
6. The Lawless Reds - Graham Green
Next ... make a book more colourful ...

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
2. Dark-yella - Bram St-ochre
3. Pantone Nineteen Eighty-Four C - Georange Orwell
4. Alias Grays - Margared Atwoad
5. Umber Western Eyes ... Joseph Conrad
6. The Lawless Reds - Graham Green
7. The Unbearable Whiteness of Being - Milan Kundera
Next ... make a book more colourful ...

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
2. Dark-yella - Bram St-ochre
3. Pantone Nineteen Eighty-Four C - Georange Orwell
4. Alias Grays - Margared Atwoad
5. Umber Western Eyes ... Joseph Conrad
6. The Lawless Reds - Graham Green
7. The Unbearable Whiteness of Being - Milan Kundera
8. Off-White Noise - DeLillo
Next ... make a book more colourful ...

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
2. Dark-yella - Bram St-ochre
3. Pantone Nineteen Eighty-Four C - Georange Orwell
4. Alias Grays - Margared Atwoad
5. Umber Western Eyes ... Joseph Conrad
6. The Lawless Reds - Graham Green
7. The Unbearable Whiteness of Being - Milan Kundera
8. Off-White Noise - DeLillo
9. Sadhguru, More Than Olive - Arundhathi Subramaniam


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Next ... make a book more colourful ...

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
2. Dark-yella - Bram St-ochre
3. Pantone Nineteen Eighty-Four C - Georange Orwell
4. Alias Grays - Margared Atwoad
5. Umber Western Eyes ... Joseph Conrad
6. The Lawless Reds - Graham Green
7. The Unbearable Whiteness of Being - Milan Kundera
8. Off-White Noise - DeLillo
9. Sadhguru, More Than Olive - Arundhathi Subramaniam
10. Remembrance of Things Pastel ... Marcel Puce
Next ... make a book more colourful ...

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
2. Dark-yella - Bram St-ochre
3. Pantone Nineteen Eighty-Four C - Georange Orwell
4. Alias Grays - Margared Atwoad
5. Umber Western Eyes ... Joseph Conrad
6. The Lawless Reds - Graham Green
7. The Unbearable Whiteness of Being - Milan Kundera
8. Off-White Noise - DeLillo
9. Sadhguru, More Than Olive - Arundhathi Subramaniam
10. Remembrance of Things Pastel ... Marcel Puce
11. Lady Windermere's Fawn - Oscar Wilde
Next ... make a book more colourful ...

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
2. Dark-yella - Bram St-ochre
3. Pantone Nineteen Eighty-Four C - Georange Orwell
4. Alias Grays - Margared Atwoad
5. Umber Western Eyes ... Joseph Conrad
6. The Lawless Reds - Graham Green
7. The Unbearable Whiteness of Being - Milan Kundera
8. Off-White Noise - DeLillo
9. Sadhguru, More Than Olive - Arundhathi Subramaniam
10. Remembrance of Things Pastel ... Marcel Puce
11. Lady Windermere's Fawn - Oscar Wilde
12. Vermilion Little Pieces by James Frey
Next ... make a book more colourful ...

1. On The Woad ... Jack Kerouac
2. Dark-yella - Bram St-ochre
3. Pantone Nineteen Eighty-Four C - Georange Orwell
4. Alias Grays - Margared Atwoad
5. Umber Western Eyes ... Joseph Conrad
6. The Lawless Reds - Graham Green
7. The Unbearable Whiteness of Being - Milan Kundera
8. Off-White Noise - DeLillo
9. Sadhguru, More Than Olive - Arundhathi Subramaniam
10. Remembrance of Things Pastel ... Marcel Puce
11. Lady Windermere's Fawn - Oscar Wilde
12. Vermilion Little Pieces by James Frey
13. Boris Goldunov - Alexander Pushkin


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Next - make a cheerful book unbearably sad and miserable

1. The Tragic Mountain - Thomas Mann
2. Enslaved New World ... Aldous Huxley
Next - make a cheerful book unbearably sad and miserable

1. The Tragic Mountain - Thomas Mann
2. Enslaved New World ... Aldous Huxley
3. The Meal on the Floor - George Eliot
Next - make a cheerful book unbearably sad and miserable

1. The Tragic Mountain - Thomas Mann
2. Enslaved New World ... Aldous Huxley
3. The Meal on the Floor - George Eliot
4. One Fish, Two Fish, Dead Fish, Slew Fish - Dr. Seuss
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