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Badger & Blade Decant Club July 2006 Nominations

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Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Justso said:
Once again, I'll make my plea for Penhaligon's Hammam Bouquet

I guess you missed it on the last go around. It's so good, I'd buy another.
Hi Rik,
How about:
  1. DR Harris Classic Cologne
  2. DR Harris Freshening Cologne
  3. DR Harris His
  4. DR Harris Old English Lavender Water
Penhaligon's Endymion....

The kind Londons assistant smelled a wiff of it at while showing it to me and her knees began to shake...

Had my wife take a wiff and the same thing happened...

This is some mighty powerful juice!

I'd like to get a small amount.

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