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Back to exercising again

Finally, after more than 3 years of doing absolutely nothing in the way of exercise, I got off my butt and joined a gym. I'm just finishing my third week there, and go at least 5 times a week. I've always been in fairly good shape, but this time things were starting to get out of hand. It took a very long time to get my a** in gear but I finally made the move, and I intend to stay with it.

At this point I feel really good, and I look forward to going each day. I'm working with a personal trainer 1 day a week to make sure I do things right. At 61 years of age I'm well aware that ones health shouldn't be taken for granted, and that taking care of ones self will pay off in big dividends as the years progress.

One thing I have noticed though, is that when getting back into the routine of exercising, that soreness that would occur for a couple of days after a prolonged lay off, is still there now even after 3 weeks of regular exercise. I can see now that it is indeed true that as we age we don't bounce back as fast. :w00t:

That's O.K. though, I'll stay with it and make this a part of my life for as long as I'm able. I have absolutely nothing to lose. :thumbup1:
Welcome back. Stick with it and have fun. It's much easier to stay reasonably fit than it is to get fit after a layoff.
Congratulations! I made the same choice last year when I had been doing nothing for too long. It's hard to get back into it, but this is the just the place for support. :thumbup1:
Great to hear that you are "back in the saddle". The soreness that you mention would probably decrease if you gave yourself a day or two off but I realise that that is not your priority at the moment. Good luck with keeping at your program.
An effective workout plan consists of "listening" to your body and strategically taking days off. As you become more experienced, you will be able to determine when you need a rest.
I know exactly how you feel... I just tried working out and failed completely... I'm a total wad of cookie dough right now and have to lose all this excess weight.
That's what college graduation does to you....
I have absolutely nothing to lose. :thumbup1:

Except perhaps your high LDLs and BP, and blood sugar level, and of course some unwanted weight..... :thumbup:

I'm with you my friend, I as well have gone back to the gym and at 60 can also attest to the fact that my mind says "go for it" and my body says "Whoa! You ain't 20 any more!" :laugh:

Seriously though, I've lost 33 lbs and have cut my BP meds in half! If I loose another 20-30 lbs, I may be able to get off of them entirely! This is my goal!

It reminds me of a line from George Burns I think, "If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself!"
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