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BAAAD trip to the 70's

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It's things like these that make me thankful I wasn't yet alive in the 70's....

It's things like these that led to your being alive after the 70's, ya whippersnapper.

If your momma didn't think poppa's Macho was so ba-aaa-ad it was good, you would have remained a theoretical proposition. :001_tt2:
Hey, with style like this, the Macho was just icing on the cake, baby!

Nice find PerfectStorm! Although I guess I just didn't have any machismo going for me as I certainly don't recall this product. I know I was present during that decade :confused1 :biggrin:

Hey, with style like this, the Macho was just icing on the cake, baby!


Loved the bell bottoms! I had a HS principal/vice-principal who sought to determine whether my pants were bell-bottomed or "flares". The former being against the rules...Yes, they determined mine were the former... My sideburns were too long also...and my hair...and... We never knew how impactful the size of the leg bottoms of our pants was to our edumaction. :biggrin:
It's things like these that led to your being alive after the 70's, ya whippersnapper.

If your momma didn't think poppa's Macho was so ba-aaa-ad it was good, you would have remained a theoretical proposition. :001_tt2:

:lol: Good one.

But I'm pretty sure my dad used Skin Bracer in 1984....
Hither and yon. Been reading more than posting. I can always count on you to keep us (forumites) updated! Keep up the good work!:thumbup1:
Haha, Until I read the word Macho on the bottle, I wasn't sure why that cologne bottle was shaped like a safety razor.... hahaha.

When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, eh?

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