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B & B has over 20,000 members

I'm a new member myself, and the best thing about all these members, is that they are quality members. I haven't run into a troll yet. Everyone is very helpful to new members, and very considerate even to the point of giving stuff away.

Glad I found this board.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
That's good, the wetshaving community is growing!
What if we founded a new little town, let's say Trumpersville, and just moved there? I can imagine some really nice shops near Razor avenue and Badger garden...:biggrin:
Who was the 20kth mumber to join? Mods could you lookie see please? How about something special to welcome them here? Just saying. :001_smile


"Proper Bob"
20,000 members! We're gonna need more prizes. :wink:

Congrats to B&B and to all of you who make this such a great place. :a14:
I'm a new member myself, and the best thing about all these members, is that they are quality members. I haven't run into a troll yet. Everyone is very helpful to new members, and very considerate even to the point of giving stuff away.

Glad I found this board.

That's because the trolls hang out in the Czardom-type threads. Nasty trolls, we have to constantly beat them back with cheddar batons. :a11:
When I think that the little town where I grew up had only 7000 people (and it seemed huge to me at the time), that's a whole lotta people!! :biggrin:
That's enough shavers for a couple divisions.

Time to form a shaving Corps.

A horde of fine-smellin', baby-faced gentlemen who get rather grumpy in the field cuz there's no hot water for kyle's prep, and they're stuck with only 1 razor/soap/blade/brush/aftershave.
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