My Semogue 1520 knot just broke off this morning... Fortunately I have a second brush :/ But it's served me so well... I'll post pictures this evening so that I can get a feel as to how screwed I am.
Broke? As in the handle is broken? If the knot just came out, put a dab of waterproof adhesive in there and jam it back in. I haven't had semogue's come apart like that, but a few brushes I've had did so, and if the handle and knot are both intact (just separated), it's a very easy fix.
I have had two knots come out on my. The first was a Tweezerman which I sent back to Amazon as I wasn't thrilled with that brush in the first place. The second, a Frank Shaving Silvertip, I re-glued and lowered the loft significantly turning a somewhat floppy brush into a face lathering machine!
(on the right next to my Berkeley for reference)
Nice! I'm sorry to keep you waiting on the pictures - I've been working on projects for the nursery, so SWMBO has the higher priority, but stopping by Lowes tonight or tomorrow for the epoxy.
My little tweezerman did this yesterday to me. I went and bought a 26mm 57mm loft Finest Badger LIJUN to replace it. Then I epoxied the tweezerman and plan to relegate it to travel duty.