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Average number of shaves per blade brand

I’ve not been able to get a fix on the number of shaves that I can expect per razor brand. Whether I use Astra, Personna, Voskhod, Rapira, Wilkinson, etc… each one seem to differ in the number of shaves I can get from each brand. With each brand I have gotten as few as 2 shaves or as many as 4 but never a consistent number of shaves per brand. I just finished a rotation of Astra Super Platinum. Three blades made up the rotation, one blade gave 2 shaves, the other two blades 4.

I understand that conditions (safety razor, beard condition, soap, cream, etc…) determine the life of a blade. I use either a 1941 Tech Ranger or 1958 Fat Boy, Palmolive crème or soap, and shave everyday with a light beard.

So what’s up, is that just how it goes, no blade brand should be expected to be consistent ?

In my experience-
Astra SP :2
Feather: 3-4
7 oclock yellows: 4
7 oclock blacks: 4
Shark SS: 1-2
Shark SC: 1-2
Merkur: (if I can get past the first 2 shaves, which are usually brutal) 4-5
Derby: 1
Racer: 2
Rainbow: 2
Personna 74 - 30+ shaves
Gillette Spoilers - 8
Schick Krona - 6

All other blades 3 - 5
not sure if error or serious :scared:
i get 3-5 shaves out of the blades I use. I shave every other day so just switch out my blades on the weekend. no need to push it farther
I wouldn't be surprised if blades varied within brand/model, so one particular blade might give you 6 but the next from the same pack or another batch only 4. Also, whether you skip a day shaving and how well you hydrate might affect the number of shaves.

I get between 4 and 7 on both my Feathers and Personna Meds, but it's not perfectly consistent...
I wouldn't be surprised if blades varied within brand/model, so one particular blade might give you 6 but the next from the same pack or another batch only 4. Also, whether you skip a day shaving and how well you hydrate might affect the number of shaves.

I get between 4 and 7 on both my Feathers and Personna Meds, but it's not perfectly consistent...

Normal quality control should ensure this does not happen. This variation might come from the person, but shouldn't come from the blade itself.
From what I have used Astra SP, Crystals, Lord Platinums, Wilkensons. I average around 3-4 shaves before they need to be replaced.

I don't have real course facial hair, so that helps.
I never do any more than 3 with any blade. But I normally Just do 2 with each blade and then change. They are cheap enough you don't have to push it to the limit.
I get 7 shaves from all my DE blades, or I don't use that brand. On Schick Injectors (Chinese) I get 10 shaves, and on the other SE's (Ted Pella) I get 7 shaves.

My favorite DE blades are Gillette 7 O'clock and Feather. I also use Shark sometimes. On Merkur razors the Merkur blades work fine for me.

BTW my 76 year old beard is medium heavy and I get along well with Williams soap.
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I have been using only SE's for the last year:
Schick Injector(Chinese) 7-10 shaves
GEM Stainless 15-20 shaves

When I was using DE's I got 3-5 w/Red Personnas and SuperMax Super Plats, about 3 w/ Lord Plats, Racers, Derby's.


Needs milk and a bidet!
amount of shaves per blade is going to vary drastically. There are so many variables.

I pitch my blades after 1 shave, MAYBE 2.
I usually get two shaves maybe a third. The other day I was on my third shave with a feather and immediately felt pulling. Switched to a new Astra and got a great shave. I want to make DE shaving fun and am not going for a record.
I've been using only red ips for about the last two months and I get between 6-10 shaves from each one. My shaves vary from 1-4 passes depending on what I'm going for that day. I've also used astras, feather, merkur, shark, derby, and a few others. Of those, astras, feathers, and merkurs worked best for me. All three got about 5 shaves per blade. The Red ips just seem to be the smoothest shave for my face.
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