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Autostrop usable? Worth using?


So this was in a box of crap auction from the bay. Is it usable (I mean can you get blades)? It seems to function properly, but I'll be darned if I can figure out what it's trying to do with the angle shift and that geared dohickey that opens up.

Is it even worth getting blades for? I see them all the time at the antique stores and usually just pass them by, but this one came with some others I actually wanted.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Sure you can get blades. You can get NOS blades. You can get Feather SE blades, which work nicely. For some models, you can even modify a standard SE blade to fit.

The shave is quite good. The razor does its job. I don't normally prefer it over a Gillette adjustable DE or a straight, but it is perfectly adequate.
It looks like the autostrop you have will use a de splined blade, just be carefull when putting in the blade then move the lever
on the back to lock the blade in the stops.
I like both my autostrops and find that they give a nice and close shave, but as ever ymmv.
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