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ATG Challenge...?


First a little back ground. I have been wet shaving for a month now. As new to wet shaving I alway do the passes taught by the words of the wise "WTG, XTG, ATG". But here is the thing, as a new DE shaver I have the ability to look at what I am being taught and question it. It's in these moments that we can push past what we have been taught and try to strive for something better, even if we fail, at least we have tried :thumbup1:

My dilemma is Wet Shaving is the best. Because of this I indulge myself in a daily shave (except weekends). Well with every action there is a reaction. Now my hair which used to be cut every 2-3 days in the M3 world due to irritation, is getting cut daily in the DE world because of no irritation. So more cutting means less time of growing and being lightened by sun. So my hair seems more coarse and also darker. Now when I am making the ATG pass I am now finding my blade having a devil of a time getting through the hair. Even if I am using a brand new blade I find I am dragging and some times stop as I am worried about nicking and or cutting myself.

So here is my thoughts from the new guy. Now when you go WTG, XTG you are trimming the hair and it's getting lower and lower. Now it's time for the ATG pass, so you are trimming what is now the shortest and also strongest part of the hair follicle poking through the skin, and also trimming it against the grain. My findings in this first month is that it's the toughest to cut and also allows for the greatest irritation from the shave.

I decided screw it I am going to just make ATG passes and see what happens, since at the beginning of the shave the hair is at it's longest. So 3 ATG passes, and a little clean up. WOW what a difference, not only was I BBS, I was even BBS on my NECK :w00t:!!!! Also no drag on the blade at all :w00t:. So kind sir, are you willing to try it out with me to see if I am right, or if I am just some crazy crack pot?

1. Took Hot Shower
2. Made Lather from AOS No Scent
3. Did Kyle's Prep (45 seconds)
4. Stropped brand new Japan Feather using my hand and loaded into 1961 FatBoy, set razor to 5 and lathered
5. Took 1st ATG pass, rinsed and re-lathered
6. Took 2nd ATG pass, rinsed and re-lathered
7. Took 3rd ATG pass, rinsed
8. Checked for missed spots, re-lathered with heavy cream from squeezing out brush and cleaned up.
9. Rinsed with cool water, used witch hazel, then after shave.

My wife said this is the smoothest she has ever felt me. She also asked what I did different. She told me she only does ATG passes on her legs as thats what her Mom taught her and her Mothers Mother taught and so forth and so on. When I told her all about the WTG, XTG, ATG she didn't say anything because she thought "well maybe Men do it different". But is it that we are all doing it wrong and the woman are doing it right? :cursing: Well I will be using the ATG only pass again tomorrow and see if it holds true to another irritation free, drag free, BBS shave.

Good Luck and Happy Shaving

Nope,not me.I do not even do a ATG pass and I get a wonderful shave.To me BBS is not necessary,I just want a smooth and enjoyable shave.
But good luck to you.

Fairly interesting. I am going to try it, sir, one day after Christmas when I don't have to look nice :biggrin1:

Seriously though, I will try it and get back to you.
You're not the only one that doesn't bother with a WTG pass. I'd guess most of us do an XTG pass first because it can be harsh going ATG without first trimming down some of the excess. If you can get away with it without irritation, more power to you.

Keep experimenting & sharing.
I haven't tried shaving only ATG. But if it took me 3 passes I would conclude something was not optimal. 2 passes would make more sense.
I used to do only ATG passes when i used a cartridge but i have not tried with a DE...think i might next time i shave, will try and report back.
You're not the only one that doesn't bother with a WTG pass. I'd guess most of us do an XTG pass first because it can be harsh going ATG without first trimming down some of the excess. If you can get away with it without irritation, more power to you.

Keep experimenting & sharing.

See this is where I think we are wrong. After todays shave using ATG on the longer hair I felt like it glided easier than when it's shorter and closer to the skin. Maybe I have it all wrong but the shave was not as irritated as I normally get on a ATG shave.
I haven't tried shaving only ATG. But if it took me 3 passes I would conclude something was not optimal. 2 passes would make more sense.

2 maybe optimal. I suppose it's all based on the thickness of your hair. As mine it thick 3 was perfect.
I quit the WTG pass quite a while ago. I shave daily and, after changing to DE/wetshaving, I had much less stubble each morning than I used to have. In fact, at 7AM my face felt about like it used to at 5pm the previous day before I switched to DE. I decided to skip WTG and limited my shave to two passes, XTG and ATG, with a quick touch-up afterwards. This has resulted in a faster, BBS shave with no irritation at all. I have to admit that I haven't tried starting ATG but, if it isn't broke, I'm not compelled to fix it.

First a little back ground. I have been wet shaving for a month now. As new to wet shaving I alway do the passes taught by the words of the wise "WTG, XTG, ATG". But here is the thing, as a new DE shaver I have the ability to look at what I am being taught and question it.........................

Maybe I was a little quick on all this questioning the ways of the WTG, XTG, ATG. Seems after 10 hours since the shave my new stubble growing back is irritating my skin, quite a bit actually. Just put on some witch hazel to sooth it. Almost feels like razor burn but I can tell it's the stubble coming through the skin as my BBS is faded :thumbdown
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I skip ATG every other day because it irritates my skin too much. its nice to have perfect BBS every day, but sometimes its just asking too much of our skin.

I actually took some advice from my lazy cartridge user friend. He said he strives for "looking like he shaved", not a fresh shaved look. I guess to the casual observer (like most work environments), it really dosen't make a difference. Thats why I've been satisfied on a less than close shave at times, which helps with sensitive skin.
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