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Astras vs. Iridiums

I think Iridium's are hands down the best blade. They out last every blade for me. I get 5 shaves with Iridium's and only 1-3 shaves with Feather, Astra, Shark, Gillette Green pack. But this is my opinion.
I may just order some. I've had bad luck with Feather... a lot of irritation. I thought Derby was going to be my blade but the Astras just rock for me.
The Iridiums arrived while I was OOT on business. I traveled yesterday and didn't shave so this morning when I shaved, it had been since Thursday morning. Basically the Iridiums felt comparable to Astras during the shave i.e. extremely smooth and comfortable. But after three passes W/X/A I had basically NO cleanup to do and I also had even less burn (even though I the Astras had provided SIGNIFICANTLY less skin irritation than all previously tested blades, the Iridiums are EVEN BETTER!) So they are the winner in my book. The Astras are great and I need to feel the Iridiums after having shaved every day for a little while but both blades are really good for me. I might not be able to tell you the difference in a blind test but the Iridiums did leave my skin feeling better post-shave.

So I have a good inventory of blades at this time probably:

19 Iridiums
18 Astras
9 Crystals
4 Personas
3 Feathers
2 Derbys

I'll probably revisit all but the Derbys (which are my 3rd favorite blades at this point but I've used them the most) at some point but I've found two blades that work EXTREMELY well in my current setup.
Yup i have to agree they are like a much improved feather/astra you get the closeness of a feather and they end up smoother than the astra, i do find the blade a bit flexy which is probably why they're so good, i do sort of miss the more direct feel but there's no doubt they're one of the best.

They are probably the last blade i will try bar my gem when the blades arrive, i may even try corking them to see what effect it has.

Funny enough your blade inventory pretty much the same order as the blades i've tried, as for derby ugh i must have got a dud with that one not very sharp at all.

The smoothness can be deceptive and all too often tempts you into going closer than you really should.
Compared to Astras, I find the Iridiums to be sharper, but the Astras are still plenty sharp, compared to say, Derby. The Iridiums and Astras are on par with each other in terms of smoothness and how forgiving they are, but the Iridiums are much longer lasting - 2 shaves to five, on average. The Iridium's peer in all respects is the 7 O'Clock yellow, and both are only outclassed in my book by the Gillette Platinums (Swedes). I have about 300 yellows, 250 Iridiums, and 400 Swedes now, so I'm set for the Shavepocalypse, lol.
Yes, I took the Derbys with my for my work travel because they are in a plastic case rather than cardboard. My shaves all week were no where near as good as the Astras I was using prior. They were more irritating AND missed more spots. Ugh. I will never do that again, I will find something to put the Astras/Iridiums in when I travel if I think they could get damaged in the cardboard boxes.
I find the Iridiums a tad sharper than the Astra Superior Platinums, but the Astras are a little smoother to me. Now, the Astra Keramiks are better than both to me, but they've been discontinued I believe. Fortunately, I still have a 150 or so.
Iridium/7 O'Clock Yellow--my 2 favorite. I still use Feather in my Slant only, (for those times when 2 or 3 days of growth build up. In a Fat Boy IPs work almost as good as any--go figure.

I'm like the Golden Monkey in as much as my blade stash is concerned. My current supply will surely outlive me.

Isn't it odd that the Iridium and the Yellow are made in the same Plant in Russia:scared:


I'm shocked this many people have tried both of these blades to make a comparison.


Astras are great blades but still fairly new to the scene. I would assume many haven't gotten around to trying them with the large stash of blades that they already own.
Iridiums have a good rep for the most part but are expensive and not as readily available as other blades.
Both blades are not available in most blade samplers.
It just supprised me that this many members have used both and can compare.
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I have found the Astras to be my favorite blade, hands down. My only complaint is that the first shave is a little rough, with some dragging. After that first shave they are smooth as could be desired.

I spent WAY too much time reading the Iridium threads, which described them as being even more smooth. Hot diggity!

They are much more expensive, but I figured it would be worth it. The various threads made me really look forward to the Iridiums. That said, I do not think my expectations were wildly out of line.

In practice I have found them to be anything but smooth. They feel like Merkurs to me, which is not a compliment. They do smooth out after the first shave, but so do the Astra's.

I also felt that it took an extra pass to get the same closeness that I get with the Astra.

I have tried them in several razors. I have tried several different blades, just in case I got a dud. In all cases, I prefer the Astra.

Frankly, this is AOK with me, as the Astras are so cheap they practically pay you to take them.

I am now just a bit more careful on my first shave with a new blade. I can live with it and do so quite happily.
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