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They're great blades for the price, IMHO. I've even found a way to deal with those pesky glue spots. I soak the blade in hot water while I shower. After that, it's easy to (very carefully) wipe the spots away.
Astra SP is my one and only blade. I don't worry about the glue spots. After rinsing the razor in hot tap water following each shave, the spots are gone by the time I need to change the blade.
Great blade and never found the glue spots something to worry about. Rapira stainless are just as good and slightly cheaper.
Just went through my first pack of SP's and love them. I'm now going through the SS's but think that I still like the SP's more. Think the SP's will be my first 100 buy.
Astra SP is my one of the favourite blades nowadays. The other one is Perma-Sharp Super. I think Perma-Sharp is better than Astra SP, but Astra SP is also good.
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Astra SP is my one of the favourite blades nowadays. The other one is Perma-Sharp Super. I think Perma-Sharp is better than Astra SP, but Astra SP is also good.

I found the perma sharps to not be as good as SS or SP but I am going to try again because I have some new razors and because of all the love for the PS on these pages..
I found the perma sharps to not be as good as SS or SP but I am going to try again because I have some new razors and because of all the love for the PS on these pages..

My skin is dry and sensitive, so I use sharp blades with a mild razor, Mühle R89. If you have a mild razor, I recommend that you try Perma-Sharp with them. It must be work.
The Astra SP is the one of two blades that always work on my face for a nick free close shave regardless of the razor used. It is just a smooth operator.

For that reason I own several hundreds of these blades. Others I have tried are Derby, Merkur, Shark, Feather, Personna and Kroger blades.

The other blade that always works well is the Super Iridium which lasts longer, but it is more difficult to source and costs three times of the Astra.

I shave with an EJ89, Merkur 23C or Merkur Bakelite Slant, rotating them weekly.
Tried an Astra SP for the first time today in my Atlas H1. BBS shave. Perhaps not quite as smooth as a Med Prep, but a whole lot cheaper.

I had mixed results with Astras in other razors I've used, but I'm impressed with how well they work with the more aggressive Atlas H1.

The SPs are my favorite blade...my old fav (the Personna Reds) now seem too dull and draggy compared to the SPs...the SPs are sharp enough, but not overly sharp (like Feathers)...I just got my 100 pack of SPs so I'm set for a while...
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