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Astra SP PIF

Hey guys,

I have been trying some blades and I think I have some new favorites. This means that since I have a ton of new blasts coming in, I'll have some going out to you guys!

This isn't a huge awesome PIF like I wish I could put together but a lot of fellas here love the Astra SP's (and got good reason) so I've decided to PIF 50 of them to a lucky member. All you have to do is say I'm in and tell me about your worst shave if you can remember. I'm leaving this open to all members, CONUS or otherwise. I'll choose the winner via random.org when I hit 200 posts, or by some time Sunday October 20, whichever comes first.
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On the lookout for a purse
I'm IN!!!!

Worst shave ever.....

Received expensive electric shaver as a gift.......you know how that goes.....had to try it....it was a gift...blahblahblah.....

An angle grinder would have been more comfortable and effective....

Thanks for the opportunity
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I'm in, thanks

Worst shave was in AF Basic Training in Lackland 1980 and shaving my mustache the skin got really blue.
I'm in. Astra SP's are on my list of 'must try' blades. Thanks for the opportunity!
My worst shave (with DE anyway) came when I came across a couple of vintage Eberle blades amongst my father's stuff. Two of them, in a cardboard sleeve, with fancy foil wrappers on them. I expected to have a great shave, but it was simply horrible. I only got half a cheek done and had to stop to pull that awful blade out.
From what I've read, Astra's aren't like that.

I'm in.

My worst shave was my first attempt with a DE.

I didn't know anything about angles and I held the razor perpendicular, with the blade acting like a paint scraper.

It was horrendous. :)
I'm in !

Worst shave = many, many years ago......with IIRC a "coconut scented" Gillette Foamy goo-in-a-can & a multi-blade cartridge.

Cut myself in the Adam's Apple area bad enough to scab over. The scab was exactly the same shape as the multi-blade layout....a separate scab for the cut made by each blade. Looked like I had a "louver" cut into my airway!
I'm in!
Worst shave ever: Boot Camp, August 1999...My company commander made me shave in the middle of the parade field, with no mirror, a squirt of shaving gel, a mach 3 and my water bottle. He stood over me and made me shave until I had no stubble left, I think I lost a quart of blood during that shave. The curse of a thick dark beard is bad for boot camp. I had recruits from other companies that were marching by that day recognize me as the shaving guy with the cut up neck. OUCH
I'm in.

Worst shave was actually about a week ago. I got a Gillette Black Beauty in the mail, cleaned it up and decided to shave. I threw in a Polsilver Stainless and set the razor to 9. Why 9, you ask? Because I was feeling lucky/dumb. I have used a Fatboy and a Slim before and couldn't go past about 3 without having irritation/weepers.

Needless to say, I did my first pass and it removed quite a bit of hair. I was impressed. I wasn't bleeding anywhere soooooo, I went for an ATG pass. This is where the issues began. I'm stubborn. I felt the razor becoming slightly uncomfortable, but I kept going because I had to finish what I started. At the end of the ATG, I was bleeding well....just about everywhere. I didn't count the initial weepers, but I had 3 that didn't stop bleeding for about 30 minutes. My post shave, WH and Osage Rub, was the most uncomfortable burning experience ever. I think it was life's way of telling me to think about what the possible "effect" was going to be for my "cause."

Moral of the story. Know your skin and don't be an idiot.

Thanks for the opportunity!
I'm in. The worst shave I've ever had was with a Schick Quattro. It felt like I was raking a cheese greater across my face, and it didn't shave close at all.
I'm in. My worst shave was when I tried on of those cartridge razors with the five blades.
Tore my face up.
Thanks for your generous offer!
I'm in.

My worst shave was with an electric razor years ago. In order to get a close shave, I rubbed it across my neck entirely too much and ended up with a completely raw neck, and the most ingrown hairs I've ever had. Took over a week to heal up.
I'm In.

Worst shave ever was when I grabbed my old Braun self cleaning electric after not using it for a year. Cleaned it, replaced the blades and took it on a trip to keep things sharp. First shave was torture! Felt something like 50 electric butter knives trying their best to rip the hair out of my face.

Tossed it the next day and grabbed a disposable to finish the trip.
Great offer, but I better not be in since it will be expensive to post here.

Worst DE shave that I can remember was with a really cheap Chinese razor from ebay, where the postage costs alone must have been close to the price I paid. Bad razor, but combined with the very poor prep as I was in a rush - a recipe for cuts, blood and an end to needing to rush out. It was a lesson learnt.
I'm in.

My worst shave was my first. Without consulting dad, and with no idea how to go about it I decided to give it a go, so I grabbed pop's Hoffritz Slant! Well when I walked out of the bathroom there was no way to keep it a secret anymore. The worst part of it was going to school the next day festooned with band aids. Everybody knew what was up.
Great offer, but I better not be in since it will be expensive to post here.

Worst DE shave that I can remember was with a really cheap Chinese razor from ebay, where the postage costs alone must have been close to the price I paid. Bad razor, but combined with the very poor prep as I was in a rush - a recipe for cuts, blood and an end to needing to rush out. It was a lesson learnt.

Don't worry about it, you're in.
I'm in

As far as worst shave goes, it would have to be my 15yo self deciding that a fresh shaved bald head would be tops! It wasn't, and the canned goo and disposable razor made short work of my hair, and scalp! I bled for hours, and days later, the hair bumps were killing the fat rolls on my neck! I have since that time, worn a completely shaved head, but only do so with clippers, and #0000 balding blade. Never again will I attempt to shave this noggin with a blade.
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