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Astra blades?

My two go to blades are Gillette 7oclock black and feather.

As compared to those two, what are Astras like? I've heard a lot of good reviews about them. As you can see I need a sharp blade to shave with.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
Never tried the black.
for me, the feathers are sharper but the Astra SP gives me a far superior shave. A lot less irritation.
My favourites are Feather and Israeli Personnas. I've just PIF'd 95 Astra SPs in the General Shaving forum so that should tell you what I think of them! :lol:


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Astras are fine. If you're looking for a third blade I'd recommend Med Preps/Labs - as sharp as Feathers, but smoother and last longer.
My three favorites as well. The order keeps changing. Right now 1. Feather 2. Gillette Blacks 3. Personna Blue Labs

Astras are fine. If you're looking for a third blade I'd recommend Med Preps/Labs - as sharp as Feathers, but smoother and last longer.
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