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Asked to write a piece on safety razors for company newsletter

So my boss came up to me today sat down and held a mini meeting with me, I had one of those "Oh Crap" looks on my face.

Turns out she wants me to write a paragraph or two regarding safety razors for the company newsletter, I would rather not say which company, its a big bank, you figure it out.

So I was thinking, what should my subject matter be, I told her I thought a comparison of cartridge razors versus safety razors would be a good idea as well as some history, she agreed.

With that being said, which safety razors should I cite in detail, I was thinking the Techs and Super Speeds not going into detail on all variants obviously I won't have much space but they appear to be the most popular.

I probably will also cite Merkur's Futur and Progress, perhaps the HD.

Give me some suggestions as to what you think also throw some pictures my way, I will more than likely include B&B as well :biggrin:

I have till the end of the week to get it submitted and edited for "Corporate" so help me out!
That's a tough one to cover in only a couple of paragraphs....

If it were me,, I'd probably start off by talking briefly about Gillette's OLD and NEW,, then the adjustables,,, then compare them to the modern copies...

Keep us updated...!!!
It sounds like your are focusing more on the hardware than the philosophy, which is fine, but I'm guessing most men in a bank have to shave every day so it might be a good audience to which to explain just why some people decide to use the shaving gear their grandfathers used :001_smile Some of them might give it a go. Maybe you could describe the hardware in that context.
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That's a tough one to cover in only a couple of paragraphs....

If it were me,, I'd probably start off by talking briefly about Gillette's OLD and NEW,, then the adjustables,,, then compare them to the modern copies...

Keep us updated...!!!

Yeah no kidding :ohmy:

The fact of the matter is usage, most people here use the Tech and Super Speed variants more so then anything else.

It sounds like your are focusing more on the hardware than the philosophy, which is fine, but I'm guessing most men in a bank have to shave every day so it might be a good audience to which to explain just why some people decide to use the shaving gear their grandfathers used :001_smile Some of them might give it a go.

I thought the philosophy bit would fall under cartridge versus safety razor comparisons, ie usage.
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I thought the philosophy bit would fall under cartridge versus safety razor comparisons, ie usage.

You work for a bank ....it's all about money .

How about a comparison of the cost of 1 years cartridges vs 1 year DE with charts with little dollar notes or coins on them :001_smile

I wouldn't talk specific models or anything probably more generically with maybe some nice piccies to spice it up.

I posted this "comparison" on another forum where someone said they couldn't see how there could be a different "emotion" shaving with a cartridge.

Good luck with the article
You work for a bank ....it's all about money .

How about a comparison of the cost of 1 years cartridges vs 1 year DE with charts with little dollar notes or coins on them :001_smile

I wouldn't talk specific models or anything probably more generically with maybe some nice piccies to spice it up.

I posted this "comparison" on another forum where someone said they couldn't see how there could be a different "emotion" shaving with a cartridge.

Good luck with the article

I was going to add that in my comparisons as well, well a shortened version, I guess in an attempt at limiting my own space I was to general.

I think you might be right, due to my lack of allocated space to talk I should probably just skip specifics and go with generics or just mention my own personally daily shaver.

BTW Dig the B&W photo!

I think my title will be something like,
The safety razor, a blast from the past and an economically green shaving solution for the future.
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I would not write too much about all the variations between 2-,3-piece and TTo razors; your audience can hardly see the difference and they all will look like medieval torture instruments anyway.

Maybe better focus on quality of the shave and the money involved. Retro is the thing right now, so that would be nice way to start. And some history for sure.

Good luck!! :001_smile
I would not write too much about all the variations between 2-,3-piece and TTo razors; your audience can hardly see the difference and they all will look like medieval torture instruments anyway.

Maybe better focus on quality of the shave and the money involved. Retro is the thing right now, so that would be nice way to start. And some history for sure.

Good luck!! :001_smile

Seeing a pattern here lol more general to suit the audience and not totally lose them.

I know the money involved aspect probably will pipe some readers interests as well as quality of the shave, however how am I going to get past the time involved per shave?
Seeing a pattern here lol more general to suit the audience and not totally lose them.

I know the money involved aspect probably will pipe some readers interests as well as quality of the shave, however how am I going to get past the time involved per shave?

And the green thing you mentioned as well. Many more people and businesses are becoming more socially conscious.

Umm something like "What was a 5 minute morning chore now becomes 15 minutes of "me" time, a time for self reflection and preparation for the day ahead "

( that's kinda what it's like for me anyways )

And the green thing you mentioned as well. Many more people and businesses are becoming more socially conscious.

Umm something like "What was a 5 minute morning chore now becomes 15 minutes of "me" time, a time for self reflection and preparation for the day ahead "

( that's kinda what it's like for me anyways )


I like that last bit in my own words perhaps something such as "What was considered another daily chore is now considered that daily "Zen" to reflect upon one's self regardless of time spent.

Or something like that...

Keep the suggestions coming!

Gah need sleep
I like that last bit in my own words perhaps something such as "What was considered another daily chore is now considered that daily "Zen" to reflect upon one's self regardless of time spent.

Or something like that...

Keep the suggestions coming!

Gah need sleep

Oh and when you mention the money saving DON'T mention the ADs you might end up with :001_tongu

Just make sure you post a copy of your final article once you've been published :001_smile
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So my boss came up to me today sat down and held a mini meeting with me, I had one of those "Oh Crap" looks on my face.

Turns out she wants me to write a paragraph or two regarding safety razors for the company newsletter, I would rather not say which company, its a big bank, you figure it out.

So I was thinking, what should my subject matter be, I told her I thought a comparison of cartridge razors versus safety razors would be a good idea as well as some history, she agreed.
As a qualified writer myself (but unemployed in that field) structure, form and content must serve the purpose.

What is the purpose? Why is this information being asked for, and of you particularly? I'm kind of missing the point of why a bank would want this in a newsletter. Is it internal, for staff, or part of their marketing material?

2 para's isn't much. If you're anything like me, very short articles are harder to write, because you have to nail down the essentials and know your audience.

You've had some good suggestions, but you can't use them all, in fact, you can't use very much at all; there's no space to cover history, models and their differences etc. You only have a couple of hundred words to relay something, so you really need to nail down your main point and work everything around that.

Having re read, I see she asked you what you'd like to write about. I'd suggest keeping technical details out of it. Talk tradition, quality, time and money, with some brief personalisation on why you do it. The time taken isn't a negative thing, taking more of it to do something well, is universally relatable. Corporations usually like to align themselves to these dearly held values, even if they're only lip service, designed to endow themselves with a certain culture, or used in sales materials.
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I can't name specific razors for you as my knowledge of safety razor history is VERY limited, but I would consider naming the one or two that in some way, shape or form ground-breakers in DE history with a sentence or two explaining why...

More or less an approach that does the general cartridge vs DE ... which would be a nice segue into a brief explanation of the zen of wet shaving ... followed by said mention of 1 or 2 of the most famous/well-known DEs (A "your father or grandfather may have mentioned ... " type of thing) ... then close with the one or two Merkurs or other razors that offer the most affordable, comfortable entry into wetshaving for a newcomer.

Just my two cents worth of suggestion to help spark some ideas.

Good luck with your article.
Given that most people in your audience won't even know what safety razors are, I would totally stay away from specific discussions of models.

Your thrust might be that "classic shaving is back!" You might connect this with the current popularity of retro shows like "Mad Men" and that whole era of style. While the low cost of blades may be a point to raise, given that a safety razor itself costs 5 times as much as a Fusion these days, it's not that compelling an argument. You might throw in things about men searching through their parents' attics for old razors and the popularity of these in the Ebay market. Keep in high level, don't make it evangelical (i.e., don't say that DE shaving is better than cartridge shaving). And use a really beautiful photo of a classic razor (I wouldn't use a comb razor; they're too scary looking). A Slim or Fatboy would look cool to men with their adjustable numbers and all that.
Sounds like a lot of great ideas here.

If you are up for a little constructive criticism I am sure most would be willing to give feedback on your article if you posted a draft.
I am not in banking but I am a lawyer. I was converted by a listserv topic that started about a rant concerning the outrageous price of Fusion shaving cartridges. One of the lawyers responded that he paid about 15 cents per blade for his razor and had a better shave than he ever got with a Mach 3/fusion. My interest was immediately piqued. So I would suggest really focusing on the cost/green aspect of wet shaving and add the luxury aspect if you have space. People like to feel like they aren't just going with the pack and like to stick it to companies that are overcharging them. Just my 2 cents.
Good Luck, this is a big subject, I am writing a reply just to get the chance to ogle the girl in your avatar again. How about the historical value of collecting the older razors? I have managed to obtain one from my birth year, 1948, and the year I graduated high school, 1966, and today I shaved with a 1920 era old type just for the heck of it. Gillette has a long enough track record to allow collectibles to mark just about any occasion. The difference is the old razors are part of your life, the new ones just cut hair. regards, bc
You might start organizing your ideas just for yourself by listing points you want to cover, then expanding around those for your article, for example:

Classic Shaving
  • saves money
  • better shaves
  • improves skin condition
  • cool vintage gear
  • cool & effective products
  • enjoyable zen time

As others have said, two paragraphs won't allow you to go deeply into it, so try to hook their curiositity by touching on what you enjoy about it. The pics may be enough to share a little about the equipment. A picture of a shaving brush fully loaded with rich, thick creamy lather always looks inviting.

Good luck with the article, and please share it with us.

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