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Art of Shaving Cream vs. Soap

Yesterday, I took a trip to the mall with my girlfriend, and there was an Art of Shaving store there. I looked around for a bit, and spoke with one of the sales reps for a while. I didn't buy anything (although the soaps and aftershave gel peaked my interest) but he gave me a same of their shaving cream. So today, after my shower I decided to lather up and shave with the sample. I was amazed at how quickly and easily it exploded into a thick, slippery lather.

This got me thinking, I'd really like to get some of their products. For those of you who have tried both, which do you reccomend-the creams, or the soaps. I am speaking specifically of AOS products, not soaps or creams in general.
Go with the soap. The cream is good, but the tallow-based soaps give an amazing lather that is as good as any soap currently available. I have pucks of the lavender and lemon, and really like them both.

+1 on their soap

Their cream, which I've tried in the "travel tube," seems stiffer than some other creams and harder to work into a nice lather.
The sample one seems to give a really good lather. I have yet to purchase AOS as well. the barber down the street carries AOS and other stuff. I'm gonna pick up one of each I think.
The soap, soap, soap.

Their creams are good...but the soap will last longer and is one of the few Tallow based soaps left. Jump on them while you can!
Thanks for the input. I will definitely give the soap a try (probably the lemon, or the sandalwood).

Orpheus, the store is in the Garden State Mall in Paramus. On the second level, right by Nordstroms.
Which mall in the NJ area has an AOS store? Hrm ... another place to spend money.

The stores are pretty nice. The one near me like a temple for shaving.
Most sales people up on B&B.

Experience here in Los Angeles is that they distribute through many different stores, but some are very inconsistent in keeping their stock up.
Thanks for the input. I will definitely give the soap a try (probably the lemon, or the sandalwood).

Orpheus, the store is in the Garden State Mall in Paramus. On the second level, right by Nordstroms.

Hmm... I lived right by the mall until very recently. I was always intimidated to head in there myself.
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