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Art of Shaving AS Mask

Anyone ever use the AoS AS Mask? It always looked intriguing to me but I could never justify the cost. I thought maybe some time in the future when I had more disposable income I might splurge once and try it out.

Today I received an e-mail from AoS advertising their NEW AS Mask. I'm curious as to how it differs from the original mask. The new version comes with eight bottles instead of five and is cheaper.

I hope I didn't miss out on anything special now that the original mask is apparently gone.
I got the same e-mail. It is an interesting concept, but I would never have time for something like that -- I am already rushed enough trying to get out the door in the morning!
It's a "rose clay" mask? I can't imagine any kind of exfoliation right after shaving would be good for your skin... in essence you just exfoliated your face *during* the shave itself!

I'd be interested to hear how it works exactly, or any feedback from gents who have tried it out. Hasn't Perry over at TGR advocated washing your face *after* shaving also?
It's a "rose clay" mask? I can't imagine any kind of exfoliation right after shaving would be good for your skin... in essence you just exfoliated your face *during* the shave itself!

I'd be interested to hear how it works exactly, or any feedback from gents who have tried it out. Hasn't Perry over at TGR advocated washing your face *after* shaving also?

The mask isn't meant to be exfoliating. It's supposed to be soothing.
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