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Arrghhhh @#%$!

After 20+ years of marriage...................IF MOMA'S NOT HAPPY NOBODY'S HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! As true today as the first day we met......That's all, thank you for letting me vent!!! :a7:
True story:

A man named Alan, an ex-pat Kiwi who runs the Kampground of America in Williams, Arizona (the closest to the Grand Canyon), once wrote me a secret note while I was visiting there with my then-girlfriend, now-wife. On the back of my receipt, he scribbled

"Happy wife = Happy life"

in Sharpie. The receipt is all faded and folded, but I still keep it in my wallet to remind me that what he said is an eternal truism.
When asked what's the secret to a long marriage, an elderly gent told me at his 60th wedding anniversay party, "When you're wrong, admit it right away. And, when you're right, shut the hell up."
It doesn't even have to be your fault !
-Throw the scales OUT! If she has gained one pound...she is not happy!
-If her hairdresser messed up! She is not happy!
-If your waitress is young and very pretty...Good chance she won't be happy!
-She may look like a million bucks...if she doesn't FEEL pretty...she is not happy!
-If her purse does not match her outfit & wallet match her purse (Coach)...She is not happy!
This is only a small sample of the eternal complications that us men will never figure out or be able to FIX. :eek:
Like my father told me many years ago:

"Son, remember...you can be right, or you can be happy."

Very wise man. It's one or the other and not both!! Took me a while to figure that out but i've learned now and have only been married for 1.5 years OR (607 days, 14,587 hours ago; according to SWMBO) :biggrin1:
us men will never figure out or be able to FIX. :eek:

That's where we get in trouble; natually, when we see a problem, we try to FIX it. That'll **** her off faster than fast. Sometimes (but you'll have to guess when) they just want you to listen to her troubles and say, "oh, you poor thing, that's terrible, wanna hug?"

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
The Truth with set you free!


"What"s that Dear?"
"No, I mean..."
"Yes, I'm sorry I forgot to put the 12 pillows back on the bed."
"Yes I'll do it right away."

You guys make marriage seem like 10% awesome and 90% the suck.

For me, I have been feeling rather disenfranchised from marriage and dating altogether. Marriage = :thumbdown

Quote from an 70 year old woman, who is a patient of mine. She also tried to get me to sleep with her: "Take it from an old broad: 100% of divorces started with marriage. Don't get married. If you want kids, just pay a gal to carry your children. No strings attached!"

(Karth Vader goes back to polishing his lightsaber and studying for the GRE :tongue_sm)

You guys make marriage seem like 10% awesome and 90% the suck.

For me, I have been feeling rather disenfranchised from marriage and dating altogether. Marriage = :thumbdown

Quote from an 70 year old woman, who is a patient of mine. She also tried to get me to sleep with her: "Take it from an old broad: 100% of divorces started with marriage. Don't get married. If you want kids, just pay a gal to carry your children. No strings attached!"

(Karth Vader goes back to polishing his lightsaber and studying for the GRE :tongue_sm)

Wait a minute! Say what? I see the problem. I like to have my medical professionals treat me after they have gone through graduate school, not before they take the GRE! <g>

I am just joking with you. Hope you to not mind!

I will tell you this. If you are about to enter graduate school you do not need to be thinking about marriage anyway, or even dating.

But I would not completely ignore the advice that is within the below posts. "Happy wife = Happy life" is correct. The "place," or better framed, "role," of a "good wife" is to be a mirror. A good wife, who is an unhappy wife, is telling her husband something very important. Is it awesome or does it suck? It may surely be both at the same time, particularly as to the dictionary definition of "awesome" as "inspiring awe"!

Anyone that thinks they are going to get Commander Quan's article's version of a wife and that that is an ideal marriage, is probably looking forward to having Della Street as their secretary at the office. I am not saying it has never happened. I am saying that the result would invariably illustrate the danger in answered prayers!
Wait a minute! Say what? I see the problem. I like to have my medical professionals treat me after they have gone through graduate school, not before they take the GRE! <g>

I am just joking with you. Hope you to not mind!

I will tell you this. If you are about to enter graduate school you do not need to be thinking about marriage anyway, or even dating.

But I would not completely ignore the advice that is within the below posts. "Happy wife = Happy life" is correct. The "place," or better framed, "role," of a "good wife" is to be a mirror. A good wife, who is an unhappy wife, is telling her husband something very important. Is it awesome or does it suck? It may surely be both at the same time, particularly as to the dictionary definition of "awesome" as "inspiring awe"!

Anyone that thinks they are going to get Commander Quan's article's version of a wife and that that is an ideal marriage, is probably looking forward to having Della Street as their secretary at the office. I am not saying it has never happened. I am saying that the result would invariably illustrate the danger in answered prayers!

:thumbup: It's all in good fun!

I agree with your ideas about dating and thinking about marriage before grad school: JUST DONT'T DO IT!!
I realize I'm going to be in the extreme minority on this one, but here goes.

I think we do both genders a tremendous disservice by insisting that women are incapable of handling a rational discussion or arguing fairly and constructively. Furthermore, tolerating or papering over irrationality is patronizing and ultimately self destructive.

As I have often stated to friends and family, you married her to be an equal partner, not a child whose tantrums are to be indulged.

When you are wrong, admit it and apologize. But when you are right, be willing to stand up to your convictions. Just be sure that you are looking to your collective best interests and not driven by your own ego. Otherwise, you're just feeding dysfunction.
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