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ARKO stick holders.

You can grate Arko and put it in any old stick deodorant case, like Brut or Speick, for example. The labels on these cases can usually be removed, leaving a plain unmarked case.

I've been disappointed with the clear shave stick containers for the most part. They don't hold up.
I prefer using the puck as it comes with its own case.

For sticks, I've adopted smashing into a larger container:

My wife bought me one of these a while ago. The maker (in Sweden) asked if it was for Arko, and it was really for Speick, but I said 'yes' anyway because I didn't figure it would matter much. Mine is blue, though. The shave stick just sits in there; I unscrew the cap, twist it up, take the stick out and apply for lathering, return it to the tube, twist it back down, and screw the cap back on.

Basically, to me, it's just a sturdy and secure travel container, but it's where I keep the shave stick full-time. The maker states on his site that it's not intended to be like that, but that's probably just because it's made for a different brand of shave stick than what I'm actually using it for. It's very well made.

The site currently does say that the Arko size is sold out.

Image from one of the Etsy reviews:
Maggard Razor sells the average type of tube which I find works great. Here is a link:


Arko stick shaving soap has a wonderfully high ‘mashability quotient’. I use a variety of sizes of twist-up tubes as containers, for use at home and when travelling (size depending upon the length of time on the road). Left-to-right: lip balm tube, glue stick tube, Nivea stick deodorant container, black twist-up tube purchased from Amazon. I have often been tempted by the red containers for Arko advertised on Etsy…
I used a vintage Colgate container, but the soap started interacting with the brass, creating some kind of mild toxic blue hue.

Switched to a used plastic container from another soap. You don't even have to mash it, loading grip the stick works fine.

But before that, I did it the @lasta way.
I believe I am quoting him correctly when I say "Arko! don't need no container."
My wife bought me one of these a while ago. The maker (in Sweden) asked if it was for Arko, and it was really for Speick, but I said 'yes' anyway because I didn't figure it would matter much. Mine is blue, though. The shave stick just sits in there; I unscrew the cap, twist it up, take the stick out and apply for lathering, return it to the tube, twist it back down, and screw the cap back on.

Basically, to me, it's just a sturdy and secure travel container, but it's where I keep the shave stick full-time. The maker states on his site that it's not intended to be like that, but that's probably just because it's made for a different brand of shave stick than what I'm actually using it for. It's very well made.

The site currently does say that the Arko size is sold out.

Image from one of the Etsy reviews:
The same bloke made Argo, Speick and Razorock for me. I like them.
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