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Are You A "Nasty Enabler" Or Do You Know One?

Disclaimer: This thread it meant to be taken in good fun and not to disparage anyone.

I know one "nasty enabler". Let me tell you my sad story and you be the judge.

I was rolling along in my DE shaving world, happily finding deals on used Gillette's and paying $15-$20 each so I could try a variety. This fit my budget, allowed me to pay the bills and feel comfortable. I wasn't overspending. I was happy. Dare I say "content"?

Then mswofford came along. It actually started innocently enough with my search for NEW's. He posted in one thread "If you don't buy a NEW, bad things will happen to you". Hmm, I thought. I already had an Otto Roth coming from Krona Kruiser, but was looking at the different varieties learning the differences. His statement scared me. Was there a razor mafia I was unaware of? I didn't know. I immediately found a NEW short comb to buy, as insurance if you will. After this purchase, things seemed fine. He gave me good advice, offered suggestions and sent me very helpful PM's. Looking back he was just reeling me in for the kill.

He started again; slowly at first. Poking references about the Weber Polished Head being as nice a shaver as the Gillette NEW. Casually at first, low key. But he was persistent. "Jeff, you'll love the way it shaves." "Jeff, I haven't bought a razor in over a year, since I bought the Weber". Then, he pulled out the heavy artillery. "Jeff, the spacing on the scallops of the Weber bar are identical to the NEW. It shaves just as well as the NEW, but more smoothly." "It's the best $70 I've ever spent and if you don't like it you can sell it on the BST and get most of your money back. There's no risk."

These last few lines were delivered to me one Thursday night at around 2 am. I was nearly delirious from lack of sleep. I caved. I went to the Weber site and bought the Polished Head with the Classic Handle. It was a fateful decision.

My wife and I didn't eat for a week. I had to give away one of my dogs to further cut expenses. I flushed my goldfish, Bubbles; he did eat a lot in all fairness. But, in return I had a beautiful, precision crafted and well balanced razor in my bathroom. Was it worth it? Only time will tell. I lost 10 pounds, I miss my dog and I have a hard time looking at the toilet. I may need counseling.

Tell me your story. Who strung you along? Who pushed you over the edge and into the abyss of RAD, or SBAD, or SCAD or whatever you now suffer from?

Thanks mswofford. Thanks a lot.

Additional Disclaimer: We did check with a mod to make sure the title of the thread wasn't out of bounds. :thumbup:


I got moves like Jagger
Paraphrasing Mr.Clinton, "It all depends on what the meaning of the word Enable is." :tongue_sm
But really, I don't know any enablers.


Rest in Peace
Hi, my name is Mike and I am a nasty enabler. (I sound like I'm in group therapy.) I really have no shame and am without scruples or redeeming social merit. I just can't help myself. I really should change my ways but I probably won't. Right now he won't listen to me about trying Biotique Bio Palmyra Shave Cream. Eventually he's going to have to take my calls on his work phone. 10 calls a day, you think he would answer. What's the deal do you have caller ID or something? C'mon, Jeff, pick up! If you don't, I know where you live. Guilty as charged.
Funny Jeff. It was actually your post about the Weber in a Weber thread that tipped me over the edge. I now have one on order. I suppose that makes you an enabler, but may be not a nasty one :sneaky2:
Finding B&B did this to me. My persistence and obsessive nature led me on a journey in search of more shaving "light". I believe I have found plenty of great knowledge here, but it has come a cost. I've spend countless hours scouring eBay, taken many trips to local antique stores, searched the internet, looked in yard sales, etc, etc, all in a search for the next piece of shaving gear. Still, I do enjoy myself and my hobby and thats all that really matters, right?
Paraphrasing Mr.Clinton, "It all depends on what the meaning of the word Enable is." :tongue_sm
But really, I don't know any enablers.

Your SWMBO kill James or something? :laugh:

I can enable myself pretty well, I just use some of the regulars around here as an excuse!
Last Saturday I bought my first DE, a 1970 Black Beauty I found at an antique store. Then I joined this site and things got out of hand. At antique stores this weekend I bought 5 DEs on Saturday, 4 on Sunday, and 3 today. I also ordered 11 different samples of Stirling soap today. But with the 100 count of Personna Blue blades I ordered last night I'm only paying $0.08 a blade, so I'm still saving money vs carts, right?
Last Saturday I bought my first DE, a 1970 Black Beauty I found at an antique store. Then I joined this site and things got out of hand. At antique stores this weekend I bought 5 DEs on Saturday, 4 on Sunday, and 3 today. I also ordered 11 different samples of Stirling soap today. But with the 100 count of Personna Blue blades I ordered last night I'm only paying $0.08 a blade, so I'm still saving money vs carts, right?

That's not out of hand...but you're on the right track! :thumbup:
I started out with a couple of straights, got on here and decided I needed a DE for quick shaves, now I have 12 straights and some hones and 4 DE's and got my son started with some gear and soap, now on the look out for a Gillette NEW, I have 4 brushes and looking at adding a couple of more. When will it end!

Unfortunately I can enable myself well enough.
Funny Jeff. It was actually your post about the Weber in a Weber thread that tipped me over the edge. I now have one on order. I suppose that makes you an enabler, but may be not a nasty one :sneaky2:

Oh no, say it isn't so! Perhaps I've been infected by the virus? :scared: :crying: :blink:

:eek:ne that enables another to achieve an end; especially : one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior.

Don't know about nasty but yes I fit that description.
B&B has been a nasty enabler for me. Seems like every time I come on here I end up buying something. I started wet shaving a month or so ago and now have about a dozen razors, countless blades and soaps and still going.
i had a nap the other day and dreamed about shaving. How weird is that.
I went to the Weber site and bought the Polished Head with the Classic Handle. It was a fateful decision.

Well, I guess there is still a bright side - he could have said an ABC pocket razor with Empire styling, or a Darwin Deluxe, or a Feather AS-D2 with matching stand. Or that Gillette New President elmerwood has with the engraved leather case. Of the above, I think only the Darwin has broken the $1,000 mark. It does look cool, but the idea of spending $1,000 on a razor makes my stomach want to paint the walls with my dinner.

This coming from the guy who spent about $100 getting some razors replated in England because he "had to have" rose gold on some parts. :laugh:
Well, I guess there is still a bright side - he could have said an ABC pocket razor with Empire styling, or a Darwin Deluxe, or a Feather AS-D2 with matching stand. Or that Gillette New President elmerwood has with the engraved leather case. Of the above, I think only the Darwin has broken the $1,000 mark. It does look cool, but the idea of spending $1,000 on a razor makes my stomach want to paint the walls with my dinner.

This coming from the guy who spent about $100 getting some razors replated in England because he "had to have" rose gold on some parts. :laugh:

You haven't helped any either with all your English NEW threads my friend. Although I enjoyed them greatly they spurred me to try more of the NEW's. At least those are relatively affordable.

Yes, Mike could have said many of those razors, but he chose well. I wouldn't have allowed myself to spend THAT kind of money, nor would I have really had it. I had set aside $100 to take my wife out to dinner when she was feeling better, but she insisted I spend it on the Weber. We compromised. I got the Weber and we ordered take out from Pei Wei. $100 well spent and a full belly. I have a great wife who makes no demands. Even though she is ill I am very fortunate to have found her. I would not change my situation for the world. Money can't buy you happiness, but a great wife/partner/friend can.
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