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Are all gold plated Super Speeds referred to as Milords?

Greetings All,

As the title states, did Gillette ever make a gold plated Super Speed or are all of them Milords? I recently made a purchase off eBay from a seller who doesn't know much about vintage razors (like myself) and I was just wondering if what I purchased is indeed a Milord. I haven't received it yet, but the case is obviously not with it. Any info is greatly appreciated. If pictures are necessary to determine the identity, then I will post them as soon as I receive the item.


I had thought that the Milord was a gold plated Superspeed and vice versa. Be interested to hear if my assumption was wrong....
This is the pic from the seller... Pretty distorted.


  • $image.jpg
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Like I said, dont know much about vintage razors, but this looks like a late 40's Milord. Paid $8 with shipping, wish it came with the box.
That one ^ is a Gillette "Long Comb" New.

Btw, I recently bought something that I did not know if it was just a Gold Plated SS, or a Milord....found out, through BB, it's a Milord.
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