Ok, maybe that isn't enough of a review. And yes, it came in one of those "Gee, dad is into shaving and we're here at Ulta, lets get him a shaving kit" packages that probably sell a lot at places like Macys, Sephora, Nordstroms, etc. But if I was Art of Shaving I would be embarrassed. Maybe even ashamed.
I rarely am that critical of a product, since most times you get what you pay for, and anyone buying a $30 packages that has four things in it will guess that each individual thing must either be very small, or not very good. And I believe if you push Art of Shaving enough they will tell you it isn't intended to be a "real" shaving brush, its intended to be a "trial" that will only last the time the other small samples in the package will last.
That said... they sell these to wives and family members to give to wet shavers. They have their company name emblazoned across the front. And even at $7.50 (1/4 of the $30) you can buy a much better brush at CVS or Walmart. And there will be no way I will buy an AoS branded product based on my experience with this brush. It sheds worst than my late dog, it flops around like an overcooked noodle, and if it lasts a month or two I will be shocked. I was willing to give it a chance as a travel brush, thinking I wouldn't worry about it getting lost or left behind. But after two uses... it may not even make it to my first trip next week.
So... I rate it a "Plan Nine from Outer Space", "Glen or Glenda", or "Robot Monster". Stay away. Oh yea...