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Aos ocean kelp thoughts!!

Just picked up the AOS Ocean Kelp shaving cream and aftershave lotion. Gonna try it out tmrw am!!
Your thoughts?
Went through a sample of it from Garry, and I loved it. Its scent started to really remind me of Arlington during my last couple shaves with it. I have too much product in my drawer now, but once I whittle that down some, I will pick up some OK and it will have a permanent spot in my rotation.
so..it doesnt smell like...


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Now half as wise
I stooped by the AOS store when I was in St. Louis to pick up a puck of soap. Sadly, they currently only offer the cream. I commented to the sales staff about the scent, and was told it's called Ocean Kelp because it contains something extracted from the kelp, not the scent of kelp (whatever that is).
I just picked up a tub yesterday, and tried it this morning. I don't really get an ocean scent from this either, but I do really like the scent. Hard to classify what the scent is, but it's a bit mild and quite enjoyable. Made a great lather and gave me a great shave. Thumbs up!
I was a little underwhelmed by it. I shaved with it twice and, to me, it smells like grapefruit. The first time I tried it I got irritation. We will see....
I used it this morning for the first time and was pretty impressed. I typically face lather, but with a new cream, I wanted to start with a bowl. I love the aroma and the lather was perfect. I will likely be back for more!

Since an AOS opened near me recently I had to give their creams a try after reading rave reviews on B&B. After sticking my nose in all their creams (I'm mainly a soap guy) I purchased Ocean Kelp. Having grown up near the ocean in southern California I agree this does not smell like the ocean or kelp but it sure smells good to me. It is also as good as my brothers and sisters on B&B have said. Smells great, lathers easily and provides good protection during the shave.

In addition to the Ocean Kelp I now also have AOS Lavender soap, AOS Lavender Cream and AOS Sandlewood Cream residing in my den. Good products. I think you will really like the Ocean Kelp.

Enjoy your shaves.

I have it and like it very much. However with 18 mama bear and 6 Trumper samples I have a lot to get through before I use it again.
It is definitely my favorite cream at the moment. I consider the performance top notch. I have many great soaps and creams in my rotation, including proraso, cella, QCS, and Taylors, and I was absolutely blown away by how amazing AOS Ocean Kelp was when I first shaved with it. I think it provides the slickest glide of anything I've tried so far. I also really enjoy the scent. I would describe it was salt-water citrus.
Been using this cream for a week smells great lathers great!!! Highly recommend trying!! The as balm is very nice also
It has become my standard (deviating only if I am in the mood for something else). Phenomenal performance and scent. Love it.
It is a very clean scent that smells great, but I am a beach guy and it smells nothing like the Ocean. I have gone through a tub and am on my second, and I love it. For the most part, I use OK and AOS Sandalwood religiously. No, it's not cheap. It's that good. Enjoy it!
Picked up a tub of this yesterday. Must admit I was quite impressed. Gave me a very nice shave. I'll be using this a lot.
the smell is pleasant and nice. Not very strong or very oceanic. If the AOS guy knew what he was talking about, it was created along the same lines as their unscented cream with just a touch of scent. So theoretically, close to hypoallergenic?

Mild on skin, just a little lathered easily and quickly. Quite taken with it. Haven't used an AOS cream quite awhile so can't compare by memory. Worked some of rough patches better than most.

Usually use Trumpers Violet, Speick, Kiss My Face lime creams; AOS Lavender soap. Well worth the $22 risk to me. They don't have samples yet.
I stooped by the AOS store when I was in St. Louis to pick up a puck of soap. Sadly, they currently only offer the cream. I commented to the sales staff about the scent, and was told it's called Ocean Kelp because it contains something extracted from the kelp, not the scent of kelp (whatever that is).

Thats what I think also. A smell ya cant quite put your finger on to name it....but it smells and works well..???
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