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AOS Fine Badger Brush

Hi guys, this morning I shaved with my new AOS fine badger brush and after being used to boar bristles this is an adjustment. I must admit after a week of searching the net I walked into my local store, where I have a good rapport with the manager (bought my first Progress and Sandalwood cream from her) and was going to buy the pure version, being tight on funds, but trusting her judgement and knowing I've made mistakes in efforts to save money and regretting it before - took the time (and brought my wife) to go over the differences and why I should spend the extra cash. She said the pure (lower end) brush was machine packed and the fine was hand made instead...so I bought it on her recommendation.

In reading many posts about sales people at AOS not knowing their product, I feel certain that I have an exception here, with a smart and very knowledgeable person who doesn't mess. I'm a business owner and know the character (and the difference) so yeah it was a little more expensive but felt it was the right decision.

So - using my Tade shaving soap I followed the established routine of prep, and with my Merkur HD gave myself an excellent three pass shave. There was no hair loss and unlike my old Omega boar brush, this one dried really quickly on the rack. Oh, the other thing; I had a choice between black and cream for the brush handle and chose black - I know it will show scuffs, but it's a tool not an art object.

One question for you, and I've looked with different answers; who makes their brushes? Just curious to know, if I want another similar maybe I don't have to spend as much to pay for her great customer service...! :biggrin1:
I had an AOS pure badger brush for about two years, then it began shedding.
Fortunately, they still took it back in credit toward a new brush, which I sold.
I still have their travel pure badger brush, which is great.
More recently, I found on ebay, their top-end, heavy, chrome-handled silvertip, for a bargain, it is absolutely outstanding.

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Part II.

After reading about fine badger hairs with the AOS brush excelling in gel and creams - I picked up a tube of organic Dr. Bronner's shave gel last night, and this morning gave myself an excellent three+buffing pass shave using my LH Mergress and IP Red standard blade. The results; starting on the 5 setting moving to 3 and then to 1 the brush held the gel and worked beautifully. Also this is the second use of the brush and it left not a single hair. I'm impressed. :thumbup1:

Now am thinking of picking up a Semogue boar for the hard soap and am looking at my options. :001_cool:
I've been seduced by that chrome silvertip badger brush. I've held off only because I think I can get a just as good quality brush for much less.
I'm interested to hear about your progress and continuing opinion with the Art of Shaving fine badger. I just received one of these brushes as a groomsman's gift, and am truly very excited about it. I've only lathered it up once to start the break-in process, as I have too many brushes in rotation right now (including trying to break-in a Semogue OC 2012 Limited), but from that initial load and lather it looks like it will be a truly great performer. Keep me apprised! :)

I've no idea who makes them either.
I've been seduced by that chrome silvertip badger brush. I've held off only because I think I can get a just as good quality brush for much less.

Good plan. AoS items are all rebranded and as a premium store you have a certain amount of markup. I am not entirely sure who makes their brushes, but be certain that the same brush (or better) is available somewhere else for considerable shavings.

Bear in mind, I am not knocking AoS at all. I love the brand's softwear and scents. I have purchased a number of straights from them knowing they were Dovo rebrands, but in finding certain models unavailable online, paid the markup (also sometimes theres a great deal of satisfaction that just comes from walking out of a store with an item in hand as opposed to waiting for the mail.)
I had a very similar, great, experience at my local AoS store. Very knowledgable SA in the store that provided a bunch of valid info that checked out with my research here on B&B. I have the AoS Pure Travel Brush and I have as AoS Silvertip Brush, which I absolutely LOVE. My best guess as to who makes them is Edwin Jagger, they look very similar and the travel brush toward the bottom of the link looks pretty much identical (case & brush) to what I have: http://www.westcoastshaving.com/Edwin-Jagger_c_117.html

The prices really aren't a whole lot different when you add the price of shipping you pay online at most retailers (unless free) and consider your time value of money as well. As Whiskey Badger mentioned, "Sometimes theres a great deal of satisfaction that just comes from walking out of a store with an item in hand as opposed to waiting for the mail" and I have to say I agree. Although, I wouldn't buy blades from them...haha, those you gotta grab online!
Yeah. I know... The satisfaction of B&M stores is pretty awesome but I can't help just holding off. That chrome handled brush looks and feels amazing. I might just grab one eventually.
I'm pretty sure that Plisson made the older AoS brushes. I have no clue who makes their current brushes, maybe the same people who make brushes for Edwin Jagger/Muhle?
Note to self; dry fine Badger AOS brush makes for less lather and grumpy person. Solution: soak in bowl of hot water for no less than ten minutes and shaving is SO much easier with LOTS of lather. Used hard soap this morning and a three pass BBS face is very happy...! :001_cool:
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