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Anyone use their travel Techs?

I don't have one, but was just looking at some and got curious. Anyone like to use it as part of their regular rotation, or even as their travel razor as intended? I would imagine the head is no different from the normal Tech razor, but how's the handling and balance? Is it difficult to use? I thought it'd be interesting to find if they are getting use or just a sort of novelty for our collections.
I actually do have one in my travel kit and use it when I travel. For a little thing, the balance is great and I always get great shaves when using it. They are relatively inexpensive, so I say pick one up and give it a shot. I think I got mine on eBay for about $8.
I have a travel tech which I do intend to use as it has what appears to be a post war head vs my early fat handle tech that has the pre war head with the triangular style cut outs in the base plate. Unless the travel tech has its own unique head? I will have to try it out on a upcoming trip but I am willing to bet it will perform wonderfully as every gillette I have used to this point has. FYI... the head from the travel tech threads on the handle from the fat handle so if you don't like the tiny handle you can switch it up with a different one. Enjoy!
I don't have a Travel Tech, and have never used one, as I can't really see the point.

The number of NOS Travel Techs available is a testament to the pointlessness of the product:

The original Tech is already quite small. I can't dream up any scenario where I would have room for a Travel Tech, but won't have room for a full size tech! Come on, the Ball End Tech will pack nicely into an Altoids Tin, with enough room left over for foam to cushion it!

Truly an example of a solution looking for a problem!!
My hands are big enough that regular handles are a bit of a challenge, and I use long-handles for my regular rotation. For travel, I have a Weishi 9306, which is about as small as I ever want to use. It works surprisingly well, and it is so cheap that I don't care if it gets lost, stolen, confiscated, etc. I thought about the vintage Gillette travel razors and eventually rejected them as gimmicks. As is suggested by michiganlover's post, the fact that there are so many, including NOS, around at low prices says to me that they just don't work well.
I don't have a Travel Tech, and have never used one, as I can't really see the point.

The number of NOS Travel Techs available is a testament to the pointlessness of the product:

The original Tech is already quite small. I can't dream up any scenario where I would have room for a Travel Tech, but won't have room for a full size tech! Come on, the Ball End Tech will pack nicely into an Altoids Tin, with enough room left over for foam to cushion it!

Truly an example of a solution looking for a problem!!

Luckily for us it was a solution that was made though. Travel Techs are great for one thing: They can be found in excellent (if not new) condition for cheap. You throw the handle in a shoe box and mate the head to something better and you have a great, practically new, Tech.
Thanks for the thoughts all! I hadn't really thought about it, but it does seem like there are always a good number of them available at any time and usually in really nice shape. A good point about the ball end Tech, they do make a nice compact package as is. When not relying on disposables I have used a bakelite slant bar razor I got cheap as my own travel razor but I find I don't really like the shave with it. Maybe just too lightweight to get accustomed to without using it a great deal more often. I guess I didn't think about the size of one's hands being part of the experience. Still plan to add a couple to the collection, if nothing else cause they are inexpensive and sort of cute.
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