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Anyone Use Feather Blades Exclusively??

I've narrowed my blade selection done to three: Red Pack IP's, Crystal and Feather blades. The Feather blades are edging out the other two and I'm beginning to question if I should buy some Feather blades in bulk. My one concern is that some posters have voiced that they love Feather blades but with steady use, they begin to irritate. I've been working through a sampler pack and haven't been able to shave with them for any length of time.

Any thoughts?


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I usually use them in my rotation but not exclusively. I never had problems with them. If you like Feathers, I would recommend Kai!
Even thought I have posted here way more than I should - I consider myself a newbie when it come to DE. I came back a bit more than a month ago after decades of shaving with other types of blades. I have tried other brands and have just ordered 200 Feathers. I tried several blades that many have expressed good luck with, one well known blade did not get a full 1 pass shave it pulled and hurt too much. I replaced it with another favorite of the list and finished the shave. Then I used several others for 2 or 3 shaves and was just not satisfied with the feel and results. I went back to the Feather and used them for several days and decided to make the bulk order and put the unused trial packs back in the back of the drawer to use only if I get an urge to try them again for some unknown reason.

So I have limited experience I have decided to settle in on the Feathers and not order more packs of different blades to evaluate. Sure I might try something else if I start to have problems with the Feathers but I am starting to see the wisdom of - if it's not broke - why fix it?
Personally, I've never used a Feather. I have 40 on stand by in the den. I get great shaves from Astras and RedPacks, so I haven't felt a need to use the Feathers yet.

I can tell you that I have a good friend who's an officer in the military and he uses Feathers every day with good results.
Of the 3 blades you mention Feathers are by far the most expensive. Yes, they are the least forgiving. If financially able, I suggest buying a quantity of feathers as well as 1 of the other. In doing this you can rotate your blades as most do razors. I don't use a Feather every day simply because I'm not always feeling carefull. Besides I really like IPs. The Feather I reserve for my slant and as a change of pace. I don't get irratation from them I just like a IPs also. :w00t:
I have some 350 odd feathers. A dream blade in the fatboy at settings 3/4/5 progressing every 2 days, vrey smooth and sharp. Currently on shave # 6 on one of them
I have been using them three days on two days off, but I will be switching to everyday. I just get too good of shaves with them to ignore. I have normal skin, but very coarse beard so I need the extra umph of a feather.

I haven't noticed any irritation or dryness.
although I am also new to the DE shaving, I went to exclusive feathers after trying everything else in my sampler. I ordered 100 a few weeks ago.

I shave everyday with them in my Super Speed but it did take a little adjustment too after switching from a Parker 91R, the Super Speed is much more aggressive so I just have to take it a little easier.

I too have a coarse beard and these work great for me.
Feathers are great blades. But considering they cost something like 5x what IPs cost, I don't think the ROI of Feathers is all that great. Can't beat getting 100 IPs for $10!
Feathers are great blades. But considering they cost something like 5x what IPs cost, I don't think the ROI of Feathers is all that great. Can't beat getting 100 IPs for $10!
2.5x as they can be had for 0.25 each from Pauldog. :biggrin:

They are the only currently manufactured blade that I buy now, in the odd event that I ever have to buy a blade.
You might need to factor your razor into this question. If you use a mild razor then a feather could work all the time. If you use a more aggressive razor that might change things for you and your face.
I use feathers in a Red tip SS daily with no problems. I have pretty coarse beard hair. Using a sharp blade keeps the number of passes I need to do to three or four. You face will tell you if they are too rough for you.

I wouldn't worry about stocking up on feather blades in bulk. If you decide you don't like them, there will be plenty of folks here willing purchase them from you, helping recoup your investment. (Like me for example.)

If they were still available, I'd be using and recommending Swedish Gillettes, but alas. . .

I haven't tried the Gillette 7 o'clock blades which I read recommendations here. I believe they are cheaper.
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