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Anyone remember this soap?


Use the Fat, Luke!
About a year or two back B&B offered a link to a members only discounted soap, that smelled like avocado. I just broke it out of the closet and it is awesome, but i cannot remember what was the brand!! is anyone able to help?


Use the Fat, Luke!
Wow now that is one heck of a thread revival! 😎
I think that Saint Charles Shave did an avocado soap… might match up with the timeline of the original post.
Otherwise there’s the TOBS avocado cream but I don’t think that’s what you’re referencing.
Thank you. I couldn't find anything by searching, but the Saint Charles Shave Cream may be it!
That must be a B&B record! The first two posts in a thread, by the same user, with a 12 year gap. Amazing 👏
Sometimes you just have to know!
@CzechCzar , your memory is beyond compare! I can't remember something I typed 5 minutes after doing so:laugh:

Wish I could help with the avocado soap question...St. Charles Shave seems like as good a guess as any regarding a B&B members only offering during that time.
Is SCS still around even?

If I had a pic I wouldn't ask the question :a25:
Ahhhhh. For some reason, I thought you had the soap. I too believe it may have been a Saint Sue creation.

Sadly, SCS only lives on in our dens and wherever Wendy (Sue's daughter) stored the recipes.

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