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Anyone keep cologne samples that you won't wear?

I have 30+ small cologne samples, and "remnants" of decants, that I like to keep just to remind myself from time to time what these fragrances smell like. Sometimes it's when someone here has a question about one, and sometimes it's just because I want to remember what it smells like, even though I know I won't ever (likely) buy these fragrances to wear.

Just curious, does anyone else do this?
Nope. When I am sure I absolutely won't wear it, it goes in the trash. I have on a couple of occasions regretted it and ordered new samples ... and thrown them away too after realizing why I threw the first lot out.
I used to have a great sample of Azzaro Homme - can't find it now, and I know I didn't use all of it. funny thing is, I think when I tried it I disliked it, and probably tossed it. but remembering the scent, it kinda grew on me, so I wish I still had that sample . . .
Absolutely. I am not very organized about it, but I would really like to have a library of samples of scents I can refer to when they come up and I am getting there. Not just scents I do not like. There are lots of scents I like that I do not intend to buy now or perhaps ever. I want to remember what they smell like, too.

Hard not to think about you differently, by the way, since you changed your avatar. Aren't you an older guy with really long white hair and beard!

I have 30+ small cologne samples, and "remnants" of decants, that I like to keep just to remind myself from time to time what these fragrances smell like. Sometimes it's when someone here has a question about one, and sometimes it's just because I want to remember what it smells like, even though I know I won't ever (likely) buy these fragrances to wear.

Just curious, does anyone else do this?
I used to have a great sample of Azzaro Homme - can't find it now, and I know I didn't use all of it. funny thing is, I think when I tried it I disliked it, and probably tossed it. but remembering the scent, it kinda grew on me, so I wish I still had that sample . . .

I've learned to try frags several times before I decide if I like them or not. Some, like Knize Ten, or Yatagan, I really didn't like the first wearing, but by the second or third wearing I had totally changed my mind. Most of the time, though, when I go back to the samples thinking I might like them now, I'm just reminded why I didn't like them before.

.......Hard not to think about you differently, by the way, since you changed your avatar. Aren't you an older guy with really long white hair and beard!

Well, that's what my kids think. I do kind of miss Gandalf, and will probably go back to him before long. :001_cool:
If they're higher end, I see if I have enough to justify an ebay ad...for low or mid-range that don't work for me, I never know. It seems wasteful to toss 'em, so sometimes I try and see if I can offer them to others.
Can't believe someone would just throw them in the trash:mad3:

Many members here would love a chance to try some of these scents. PIF them and have the winner pay for shipping if necessary or sell them on the b/s/t.
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If I am given samples when purchasing other products, they go into the cabinet at home and into my kit when I travel. It is easy to take a cologne sample for a short trip and purchase a full bottle of something to bring home :thumbup1:
Can't believe someone would just throw them in the trash:mad3:

Many members here would love a chance to try some of these scents. PIF them and have the winner pay for shipping if necessary or sell them on the b/s/t.

Well, I have to confess I've been guilty of tossing some in the trash, but then realized I can easily share them with friends, or drop them in with other products I've sold/traded here on BST. :001_rolle
I used to have a huge collection (probably well over 30) samples from various perfume houses. I ended up including them in a sale I made on the BST.
I pop surplus/out of favour decants/samples into my dopp kit when I travel. I find that when I'm on the road I'm more open to giving something a second chance.
I have 30+ small cologne samples, and "remnants" of decants, that I like to keep just to remind myself from time to time what these fragrances smell like. Sometimes it's when someone here has a question about one, and sometimes it's just because I want to remember what it smells like, even though I know I won't ever (likely) buy these fragrances to wear.

Just curious, does anyone else do this?

Yup :thumbup1:

I keep them for the same reason - to remind myself why i didn't like them. Also there's instances where i didn't like a sample at first, revisited it later on and changed my mind. (then i buy the bottle and usually end up wishing i hadn't :blush:)
Am I the only one that cannot remember whether I have even tried a particular scent in the past, much less what it might have smelled like? (Actually, I smell to have a pretty memory for what something smelled like assuming that I can remember actually sampling it! "I don't remember the village . . . I don't even remember the girl . . . but the wine, by God, was Chambertin!"

Anway, I really should be more systematic about the samples I hold onto--like them or not. I know eventually I am going to respond to some post here if I have not already, saying I have not tried one scent or another, and someone is going to respond with a link back to some rambling post by me of several months back where I go on at length about something I now claim never to have tried!
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