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Anyone here tried the Highlander shave soap from the gentleman's quarter?

I have been pondering buy a puck of the highlander soap and wanted some opinions from my fellow badger and bladers. Thoughts on the soap? The scent? How long it last etc. Your input is appreciated.
I have one of Colleen's smaller pucks in my rotation. Great stuff! Its rosemary scent is intense and it provides a slick, gratifying shave. As its part of a pretty large rotation, I'm guessing this stuff will last me a year or more.

Out of all of Colleen's scents that I've tried, nothing beats Desert Ironwood IMHO, but scent is very subjective.

So...what I'm saying is...for her prices....BUY TWO pucks!
I tried both Cavendish Black and Desert Ironwood. I hated both of them. I could not obtain a lasting lather and the soaps smelled like nothing but cloves to me. If you've ever used too many cloves while baking or cooking, you'll get how bad that can be.

On the bright side, Colleen provided EXCELLENT customer service. I asked her a bazillion questions about melting her soaps and she was always professional, friendly, and helpful.
Out of all of Colleen's scents that I've tried, nothing beats Desert Ironwood IMHO, but scent is very subjective.

+1 I think it's the pepper and cloves. Nobody uses pepper in a fragrance and Collen makes it work.

I'm thinking about getting a puck of the Leatherneck--has anybody tried it?

Yes and it's smells uniquely leathery. Only downside is it contains FO and gives an ever so slight tingle compared to EO only. YMMV.

I bought one of every sample size and I've only got 2 left. I'm saving Highlander for last b/c it smells so darn good unlathered.
Desert Ironwood is perhaps the most robust scent I've had in a soap.

Leatherneck was good, but milder...

Out of all her soaps, when I run out, DI is definitely my "keeper." Of course, I have so many more to try :)
Thanks for the info on the Leatherneck, gents. I'm getting together this fall with some of my old buddies from the Marines and I thought that this might be a cool present to give to them. Sounds like it would work out well.
thank you all for the replies. I think I will order a few samples first and go from there. Lime Margarita, Desert Ironwood and Highlanders I think.
I didn't care for the Highlander... the rosemary gives it a very "Vicks-vap-o-rub" scent to my nose. The Cavandish was quite nice and the margharita is very very nice.
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