My wife buys unscented Tide detergent. We're on well water so I throw in Borax with my loads. My wife doesn't bother using Borax in hers. We both use vinegar in the rinse cycle.
Nancy Boy's laundry soap in Original Lavender is by far the best laundry detergent I've used. It leaves clothes smelling like real lavender, and true to its claims there is no need for fabric softener or dryer sheets when you use their detergent. My limited student budget forced me to go back to big name store brands, but once I have some disposable income again it will be at the top of my to-buy list.
We use my wife's homemade dry detergent. Borax, washing soda, and Fells naphtha soap. Cleans great and is hypoallergenic and is good to go in those trouble prone front loaders.
Interesting, I must try a scoop of borax in my next load. I bought a 2kg box locally to clean for my quarterly shaving brush cleaning regiment. At my rate that will last several lifetimes unless I find another use for it.
Liquid Wisk here. From all the consumer reviews it scores on top or near the top for results. Plus I add a scoop of Borax & washing soda. BTW, when using Borax & washing soda, (which are mixed together) I'll use less than the recommended amount of Wisk per load.
By no means am I an expert on this, but I used Tide for years until a woman at the grocery store told me that Arm and Hammer was what she found best. It's half the price of Tide, so I gave it a shot and I like it.
I really love Tide but the price makes me look elsewhere (not to mention my wife uses double the amount of any detergent no matter what size the load). Mostly I am a Arm and Hammer or All detergent guy as I can get coupons and find sales.
my mom used era for years. while in the army i tried all the pricey stuff like tide, etc.. and found liquid era works best for me. i buy the "free" stuff when i can find it, but i dont go out of my way to get it.
I use the liquid. The one with the silver-ish or gray top/cup. I actually think it does a better job than Tide. I recently bought the one with bleach (white top) because it was on sale for $3, but I haven't used it, yet.