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Anyone GYO 'baccy?

Mike H

Instagram Famous
Growing tobacco is relatively easy, making it suitable for smoking, not so much. Do you have a plan for the second part?
I thought about growing some, I even started some seeds. Then I got to looking into the curing process and decided to wait until I could devote the time and effort to do it properly. There is a forum just for growing tobacco, I forget the name, but I'm sure you could google it easy enough if you haven't already. I think it would be great to grow and produce your own tobacco, let us know how it works out.


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
Growing tobacco is relatively easy, making it suitable for smoking, not so much. Do you have a plan for the second part?

The above link seems like it may have a lot of info, just found it today. I still need to research the drying and curing process though. I have the space to do it in, could build a small tobacco barn if my large greenhouse/gardening shed won't do. Admittedly I have a lot to learn yet. If our forefathers could do it, I suspect I can learn to do it also. Hell. I might start making my own corn whiskey to!
For me, it's not a matter of space, but some suggest at least 2 years of proper aging, up to 7 years. Then add onto that casing/topping the tobacco. The unstable weather we have here would seem to make such a long controlled process very difficult. Nothing would upset me more than to devote years to something, just to have it turn out like crap. I probably feel this way due to a less than stellar attempt at wine making, I wanted to believe it tasted good, but it didn't.
Add me to the list of people who started growing but then realized I couldn't devote the time and energy to curing.
I've thought about it, but the climate in alberta sucks when you don't have access to much land, if I was living in BC I might give it a shot.
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