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Anyone ever buy from grandpas razors on etsy?

Found them today after a google...Eyeing a couple of things there but think maybe priced a bit hi, plus would loose fun of hitting of fleas tags and garages and coming out with a bargain...

Any thoughts ?
pi know nothing about them
Found them today after a google...Eyeing a couple of things there but think maybe priced a bit hi, plus would loose fun of hitting of fleas tags and garages and coming out with a bargain...

Any thoughts ?
pi know nothing about them
I buy from Etsy's but not form that Granpas vendor
I have not, but I did have a bit of a dialog with the fellow once regarding a Hoffritz he had. Seems like a decent guy - has a Facebook page too if I recall.

I bought one razor from him...but he lost the razor. He offered me a discount if I chose to buy something else. I did not use the discount. He seemed truly sorry for the problem.


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I prefer to find most of my razors locally and or thru the BST. they mean more to me if I find them myself locally and clean/polish them up, but some are harder to find and need to be purchased online

i have picked up a few off the BST (yesterday a FB from a vendor BST). :biggrin1:
Honestly if you check the bay constantly you'll find good deals as well. I missed a red tip today in okay condition that went for 10bucks... I got kind of pissed and just pulled the trigger on an expensive one haha. I got two fat boys, one in great condition and another one in okay, it was really dirty but I've manage to clean it up nicely. Got both for 70 bucks, 35 each I think its okay.
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