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Anyone else use a supercharged pre-shave face scrub?

For about 2 weeks now, I have been carrying on with my pre shave face scrub routine like I always have, except I am adopted a replacement for the face scrub I was using lol. I ran out of Billy Jealousy liquid sand, and lo and behold I found a bottle of Fast Orange pumice hand cleaner in the bathroom I keep around to clean my hands. I substituted that for my face scrub. The smell was not that great, but I have found that it somehow makes my shaves less irritable. I waited 2 weeks to say anything just to see if it wasn't all in my head. I used the Fast Orange for about a week, then stopped using it for 2 days "I shave everday" (all other variables the same). The days I didn't use it, I noticed more tugging with the razor, and a little more irritation. I know that pumice hand cleaner found at hardware and auto parts stores is NOT a conventional prep method for shaving, I just wanted to see if anyone else has done this or even heard of it lol
I have no experience with the Jack Black face buff, I have no doubt it is probably good stuff though. I used one of the aftershave products under that name that I enjoyed quite a bit. I know pumice hand cleaner may be considered overkill, but it works and it's cheap. Because people like me spend enough money on shaving cream, blades, and other miscellaneous shaving products lol. Monetary shenanigans
Billy Jealousy works pretty well. I just hate the design of the bottle. That bottle design is a troll, because you can never get 100 percent of the product out of the bottle and use it, without obliterating the poorly designed container. I cut my bottle in half and had to bang it against the wall lol.
Supercharged? Dunno. But I have an unabashed crush on Clean and Clear Morning Burst facial scrub. Forget for a moment that it is readily available just about everywhere and is pretty inexpensive. It is a beautifully soft scrub and the scent is an instant wake up, for times when you are dragging a little bit. I never shave when I first wake up, but even an hour or two later, I can be in a bit of a daze. This stuff snaps me right out of it.
Do you wash it off or lather on top of the Fast Orange? I don't know much about pre-shave products. All I do is wash my face with $2 glycerin soap.
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