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Anyone else getting excited for golf season?

I think I have 2-4 weeks before I'm out there with the Canadian climate. Clubs are gleaming and ready. Masters in 2 weeks isn't helping.

"Golf is a game invented by the Scots for the noble purpose of tormenting the English. No matter how much I may approve of or enjoy that, it does not mean I have to play along."


The Masters is usually the tournament that brings my clubs out of the basement. This year I can't wait, especially with the return of Tiger.
I am lucky enough to live on a golf course, so I have been hitting some balls from my backyard onto the fairway behind my house to warm up. It is supposed to be back into the 60's later this week, so I hope to play my first round.
Count me in. Can't wait to get going again. One of my new clients is a local upscale course, and so I've convinced my wife of the need for me to spend more time there...
I absolutely love golf. I have been playing since I was 12 when I got my first job as a caddie at a local country club. We got to play for free on Mondays when the course was closed and I have been hooked ever since. The thing is though I sort of dread golf season. I play year round and unfortunately I grow accustomed to the lack of players in the winter. To me that is the best time to play. Me and my buddies can go out on a 40 degree day, have the course to ourselves, play 2 balls each, take our time and never have to worry about or wait on anyone else. However the nice thing about summer is that you can get off work and go get in a round on Tuesday evening. Don't have to wait until the weekend when the course is packed.
I am playing for my first round of the year this Friday and can't wait to get out there. Headed over to Bears Best just outside of Atlanta.
Oh yes,The Masters in Augusta is for me, the most exciting
tournament in US and its the starting signal for the new golf-season.

I live in southwest in Sweden and usually the season starts with US Masters.
However,this winter was the worst ever for 20 years.
The winter before my golfcourse was open all the time
but this winter was really like Siberia.
At last the snow is gone now and i hope the course will open soon.

I pick up my golf again after 7(!) years of resting my shoulder.
In those days every body should swing the Leadbetter-Faldo way.
Now there is plenty more swing styles to study.

In 1 year i have tried 4-5 new different swing technics like
one-plane swing,Shawn Clements golfswing,Ben Hogans real secret(?) and
not the least Lee Trevinos loop swing,with various results :blush::mad3::001_smile

You dont have to be Einstein to see what my problem is
but in the long run i will be rewarded when/if i find the swing that is me!

In this winter break i have studied a new swing :001_tt2:
and i cant wait to try it on the course for a couple of months.

I am not surprised if the new swing fails but i will give it a real try.
Deep down in my head,i know what the problem is:


Fairways and greens

Played my first round of the year yesterday. It was good to get out. As I expected, I didn't play well.

As long as I can keep on playing I will never need therapy:001_smile
Can't wait to get out there. I was supposed to head to the driving range on this beautiful day (86) and I woke up this morning even more sick than I was the day before. This whole being sick thing is a drag.
I play at least twice a week throughout the whole year. Just one of the advantages of being a Southern Gentleman. I like to walk to complement my normal workout routine. I love the game.
I'm right there with all of you!! I've just been able to start playing now for a little over a month but lord it feels good. We had the worst winter on "the Island" that we've had since I've been here so it has cut my playing time down drastically. Not to mention that the course I live on went thorough an entire makeover including having the range shut down. I think Arnie may have said it best....“Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated; it satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening - and it is without a doubt the greatest game mankind has ever invented.”


B&B membership has its percs
Masters week, the Azaleas are blooming, .. I started playing the game after seeing The Masters on Television some years ago, it was Arnie's first Green Jacket .. the greatest show on earth

And time for the clubs to migrate out to the trunk for the next 6 months. It is a game for all ages, a lifetime sport unlike my hockey or football, and a gentlemanly one as well
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Masters week, the Azaleas are blooming, .. I started playing the game after seeing The Masters on Television some years ago, it was Arnie's first Green Jacket .. the greatest show on earth

And time for the clubs to migrate out to the trunk for the next 6 months. It is a game for all ages, a lifetime sport unlike my hockey or football, and a gentlemanly one as well

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