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Any thoughts on Fromm?

It's late at night..I should be in bed..and I'm so tired that I'm actually entertaining the idea of getting a straight.
BullGoose has had these on his website for a while and I wonder what the general consensus is on them: http://www.bullgooseshaving.net/fr72rstra5ro.html
I know about Whipped Dog but I figure if I can get a new razor for close-ish price that's pretty good then I might go with that.
I think the quality you'd get from Whipped Dog is going to be better than that, and possibly at a better price too.
do you have a strop, and what about a way to touch up the edge of the razor you will eventually get...have you given that any thought? Straight razor blades can go on their own with strictly stropping for quite some time in certain cases while other blades due to numerous reasons will need some help after fewer uses. Since Larry's $55 'special' (sight unseen deal) comes with a beginners strop and a balsa loaded with abrasives, it could very well be the better way for you to go. Just a thought


Reddick Fla.
Whipped dog's razors are shave ready, most new razors are not so you will have the added cost of getting it honed.
It's late at night..I should be in bed..and I'm so tired that I'm actually entertaining the idea of getting a straight.
BullGoose has had these on his website for a while and I wonder what the general consensus is on them: http://www.bullgooseshaving.net/fr72rstra5ro.html
I know about Whipped Dog but I figure if I can get a new razor for close-ish price that's pretty good then I might go with that.

When I first started to shave with a str8 razor, I was not sure if I would like it. Someone suggested that I get a Dovo Shavette. The beauty of a Shavette is that it is inexpensive and there is no stropping or sharpening and there nothing extra to buy. If you don't like straight shaving, you are not out that much.

That was a couple of years ago. Today I mainly use a safety razor, but now and then I enjoy getting out the Shavette.
Here is a linkhttp://www.westcoastshaving.com/Dovo-Shavette-Straight-Razor-Stainless-Steel-Handle_p_381.html I suggest you give this a try first.
The first razor I bought was that exact same Fromm. (though, I paid more than that :glare:)
The spine was uneven, scales were crap. No where close to a shave ready edge (actually, the heal of the blade didn't even come close to meeting at a bevel), so it also cost me the price of a set of hones....and in the end all that ever became of it was a junk blade that showed me every wrong way to hone lol But now I know that you can do that with a $5 razor off the bay

If I knew then what I know now, which still isn't much in comparison, I never would've wasted the money. You can get a good vintage razor shave ready for not much more, and it'd be well worth the extra few bucks
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